For Families

K - 7 Report Card Information for Parents

K 7 Report Card Information For Parents

Our K-7 Report Cards are called "Formal Learning Updates."  They go home 3 times a year (December, March, and June).  We also have two informal learning updates where teachers will contact families by phone, email, or through a written update, and this happens in October and May.  These are valuable tools to provide families an understanding of how their child is doing in school, what is going well and what they may need to work on.

Volunteers and Volunteering

We believe that it is important to build community to support children.  Strong connections between home and school help students to feel supported. 

To be able to volunteer on field trips, individuals need to provide a valid police check (done within the past 5 years), and to take the Child Abuse Protocol Training that is offered online.  Before you head to the RCMP detachment to request a police check, please visit stop by the office to pick up the letter from the school that explains why you need a check to be done - as a volunteer with us, you would not need to pay for this service.

Online Volunteer Training - Watch the video, then fill in the form for the Windermere zone. 

If you just want to come in to read with students during teacher-supervised Family Read times, or participate in our open doors events, the above-mentioned checks & training are not required.

Want to get involved?  Look for these volunteer opportunities:

  • Join the Parent Advisory Council (EMP PAC)
  • Support our lunch program
  • Come along on field trips
  • Read with students
  • Help in the classroom
  • Cut/paste at home
  • Provide expertise in the class or to the school
  • So much more!

Kindergarten Information

Please click on our Kindergarten Tab at the top of the page for updated information about how to register, our Welcome to Kindergarten event held in May, and our gradual entry schedule for next year for new kindergarten students.