
March Newsletter

March Newsletter

February Newsletter

February Newsletter

January Newsletter

January Newsletter

Upcoming Dates

Good morning,

We had an incredible student run Remembrance Day Assembly on Friday.  Thank you to the families who were able to join us.  It was a very touching ceremony with every grade contributing and local Veterans in attendance. Please see the attached photos for the class wreaths and Veterans visit.

Please note that the Lost and Found has been tagged and the items in the photos will be at school until the end of this month before being washed and taken to the Thrift Store.  If you notice anything that belongs to your child in the photos, please be sure to have them stop and collect it.

Below are some important dates coming up:

  • November 12th - The trustees spend the afternoon at EMP.
  • November 14th - School Lunch – French toast bake with sausages.
  • November 19th – PAC meeting at EMP at 6:30
  • December 16th – Report Cards go home.
  • December 18th - Second Winds performs at EMP at 1:10
  • December 19th - Kindergarten performance at1:30 at1:30 followed by  boardgames for K families.
  • December 20thWinter celebration at EMP 9:00-10:20 – families welcome.
  • December 20thLast day of classes for Winter Break
  • January 6th Students return to classes.

Have a great week!

:) Ms. Casey


Lost and Found

Please collect any lost and found items that belong to your child.

November Newsletter

November Newsletter

Upcoming Dates

Happy Friday!  As we head into fall, there have been frequent bear sightings in Invermere.  Recently we have had a bear in close proximity to our school.  Please be sure that your child is coming and leaving school with at least one other person, ideally a small group.  Please contact the school if you notice problematic wildlife in close proximity to EMP.  

Here is the link to our Healthy Lunch program.  Lunches start on October 24th.  Please have your orders in by Monday (you can order later for the next lunches).

Upcoming Dates for families:

  • Interim Reports come home October 21-24th for all grades.
  • PAC AGM meeting and parent social October 22nd at 6:30 at EMP
  • October 24th – Healthy Lunch – Penne Alfredo with garden salad
  • Pro-D Day on October 25th
  • Pumpkin Palooza on October 30th from 5:30-6:45 pm – costumes welcome
  • Black and Orange Day – October 31st
  • October 31stHealthy Lunch – Soft Tacos with veggies
  • November 3rdDaylight Savings
  • 2 day workshop for the whole school on November 4th and 5th at EMP
  • Retakes on November 5th at EMP
  • EMP & JAL Parent Book Club – first session – November 7th at EMP 6:30-8:00
  • November 7th – Healthy Lunch – Perogies and green salad
  • November 8th Remembrance Day Assembly at EMP at 11:00
  • No school on November 11th – Remembrance Day
  • The trustees spend the afternoon at EMP on November 12th.
  • November 14th - Healthy Lunch – French toast bake with sausages

:) Ms. Casey

Teddy Bear Picnic

October News

October News

October News

September News

An Amazing Start

An Amazing Start!

We would like to thank all of you for your patience and understanding during our first days at school!  Our staff has loved getting to reconnect with their previous class and the students have loved being back with their familiar friends.  Staff also commented that it was so lovely to get to meet all the grade 1-3 students during our day today!

When your grade 1-3 child arrives tomorrow, we will have staff outside with clipboards guiding students to their new classroom!  We have finalized our lists to maximize learning potential for all students while working to have a space for everyone.  Please remember that staff spend significant time thinking about every child and working to find the best placement.  We consider as many factors in each child’s learning, as we can.  Please give your child a few days to settle into the new class, the new peers, and the new teacher, as it can take everyone a little time to feel comfortable with our new space. We look forward to a fabulous year ahead and are excited to get to know all our families.  You can expect to hear from your child’s classroom teacher (by email, phone call, or in person) by Friday with an introduction and pertinent classroom information.


First Day of School

Happy First day of School Eve!

To say that the staff at EMP are excited for your kids to return, is an understatement. They have been working and preparing for the arrival of your children for many days.

Our first week back is a great chance for all of us to reconnect with our peers from our previous class, friends from other classrooms, and new students to our school. It’s also an important time for our staff to get to know your children. As we return, we are facing enrolment that puts us at very full capacity. In the interest of not changing your child’s class after a few days, we have created a plan where they will meet their new teacher and class on Thursday.


On our first day (for grade 1 to 3 students), Tuesday, September 3rd, we will spend the short day (8:50-11:05am) with our last years’ peers and teacher reconnecting and sharing about our summer break. This is how we have started our year for a few years now.  It can make the first day jitters diminish when they get to be in a familiar setting with familiar peers.


On Wednesday, grade 1-3 students will get the chance to meet every teacher and see every classroom with their familiar peer group. Kindergarten students will come to our Teddy Bear picnic on Wednesday afternoon and then begin their gradual entry schedule. Kindergarten families have received schedules for this gradual entry. Please contact us if you don’t have that information.

Please remember that as parents and guardians, you can communicate many messages to your child about how start-up will go. A calm, confident message to your children about how exciting and fun it’s going to be to meet your new teacher and class on Thursday goes a very long way.


We look forward to all the ways we are going to work together as a team to support your child, school start up being only one piece of it.

Please note that for the safety of all students, there is a drop off zone in front of the school for quick goodbyes.  Otherwise please be sure you and your child always use the sidewalks along the parking lot to get to the school.  We walk our bikes after we cross the crosswalk and always use the sidewalks.


We can’t wait to see your smiling faces tomorrow!

Welcome Back!

Image of back to school supplies
Back to School

We are excited to welcome students to Eileen Madson Primary for the 2024-2025 school year. We hope that the following information will support you in preparing for the new school year:

First Day of School:

Our first day back will be on Tuesday, September 3, 2024.

We will dismiss all students at 11:05 am on Tuesday. The bus schedule has been adjusted to accommodate this early dismissal: busses will arrive at 11:10 to transport students back home. If your child will not be attending on that day, please let us know by calling 250-342-9315 or email Students will need a snack and a water bottle on the first day. They will NOT need their inside shoes until Wednesday.

Our class lists continue to be a work in progress. We are making every effort to accommodate the needs of all our students. Families will be notified by your child's classroom teacher on Thursday or Friday of next week about their classroom placement. On Tuesday and Wednesday, students can go to their classroom door from last year where their teacher will collect them for our first two morning arrivals. 

Bus students:

If your child will be riding the school bus, please register them using our new My Bus Planner app. For the first day, please send a note letting us know what route they are taking and what stop they get off at. In that way, we can ensure every child gets home safely. Information on bus routes can be found at:

School Supplies and School Fees:

School supplies will be provided by your classroom teacher. If you have not already paid for school supplies, please do so using the School Cash Online app. If your family needs assistance with this, please contact our school.

Students should bring a water bottle, inside shoes, a snack, and a lunch to school each day.

Please label all your child’s personal belongings so that we can return any misplaced items back to your child.

Student Safety: Our front parking lot is a serious safety concern.  We need your cooperation to keep our students safe.  Please use the sidewalks when exiting your car on either side of our parking lot.  Please do your best to never walk through the middle area of the parking lot. EMP currently has a pick-up and drop-off zone at the front of the school.  Please use extreme caution when pulling away from the drop-off zone to ensure the safety of students who are exiting vehicles around you. Bell Schedule:

Monday to Thursday:

Warning bell: 8:50

Recess: 10:20-10:40

Lunch: 12:10 -12:58pm

Dismissal: 3:05 pm


Warning bell: 8:50

Recess: 10:20-10:40

Dismissal: 1:06 pm

Scent-free Environment:

We have staff and students who are sensitive to scent. In some cases, they can become very ill when exposed and may have to leave school. We ask all staff, students, and parents to avoid using scented products, including perfume and /or body spray, while attending school.

Nut Sensitive School:

At EMP, we have students and staff members who have life-threatening allergies to nuts, peanuts, and peanut products.  As such, we are asking for your assistance in protecting the health of these students by not sending nuts, peanut butter, or peanut products to school with your child.

New Principal:

As many of you may know, Jodi Casey is our new principal at Eileen Madson Primary school.  She has taught in the Rocky Mountain School district since 2000 and has been a teacher at our school for many years.  She is very excited by this new experience and looks forward to connecting with all of you in the coming months.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out to her at


We do our best to send out a regular caregiver newsletter to keep families up to date on the happenings at Eileen Madson Primary. Stay tuned for more information as we ease into the new school year. Enjoy these last few days of summer vacation!


June 20

Hello, Ki'su'k kyukyit, Weyt-kp, Tawnshi!


We are winding down the year and have lots to celebrate!  As previously mentioned…

Thursday, June 20: Grade 3 Leaving Celebration.  9:15 a.m. in the EMP gym.  Grade 3 parents & guardians invited.

Friday, June 21: National Indigenous Peoples Day at EMP, to recognize the rich history and culture of Canada's Indigenous people.  Our assembly will start first thing in the morning -- Families welcome!  After the short assembly, classes will participate in many Indigenous games inside and out.  Please help your child to dress for the weather (remember the sunscreen & hats!).  We encourage students who have Indigenous heritage to bring in artifacts, regalia, etc. or wear their ribbon skirts / shirts, sashes, etc. any day, but especially this week as teachers lead conversations about Indigenous identity and history, and celebrate the contributions First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people have made in the past and continue to make every day.

Wednesday, June 26: Fun Day –This day will be a wild and wet one: Please send a bathing suit, change of clothes, towel, snacks for the morning, goggles, hat, and sunscreen.  All students will be offered a burger and watermelon (provided at no cost thanks to PAC).  If your child doesn't like burgers, please make sure you also send a lunch. 

Thursday, June 27: Last day for students.  Final Learning Updates (a.k.a. report cards) sent home. 


EMP PAC Survey

Did you know that all parents are automatically members of their child’s school’s Parent Advisory Council?  The EMP PAC works with school staff to support learning and extra-curricular opportunities, and they have a couple of questions for all of you in this very short survey.  Please click on this link to share your anonymous thoughts before the end of the year. 


June 10

Métis artifacts
Learning about Métis culture with Ms. Monica

Hello EMP families,

Here are some important updates:



The required volunteer training is now available online:

This is for anyone who wishes to volunteer with an SD6 school group, and is in addition to the Criminal Record Check completed by the RCMP.  If you have questions, please ask your child’s teacher or Ms. Gray at the office. 

A huge thank you to the volunteers who have been in recently – from the Bike Rodeo to school lunches to the bazillion field trips that we are going on now, we have had so many family members pitch in to help make these opportunities possible.  Thanks to you, our community is stronger, more engaging, and supportive.



Please stop by the school to look through the lost & found.  There are so many items that we would love to reunite with their owners. If not claimed by the last day of school, all items will be up for grabs and will be donated to students here or the thrift store.

Also check out some of the materials we are discarding (on the table by the office) – from old math workbooks to books to toys, we are cleaning house!  Please take whatever you are interested in!



Here is a partial list of some of the events taking place at EMP, but please remember to read Seesaw, your child’s agenda, and connect with your child’s teacher for the most complete list of events, as this does not include individual class field trips:

June 11: Last swimming lessons for grade 2s

June 18: EMP Fun Run – A few volunteers are still needed, please contact if you can help out.

June 20: Grade 3 Leaving Celebration. Time changed to 9:15 am.  Grade 3 parents & guardians invited.

June 21: National Indigenous Peoples Day assembly at EMP at 9:15 am.  Families welcome!  Classes will participate in many Indigenous games inside and out after the assembly - please help your child to dress for the weather (remember the sunscreen & hats!)

June 26: Fun Day – Volunteers needed!  Please fill out the survey that will be sent out soon if you’d like to help out and you haven't already let Steph F. know.  This day will be a wild and wet one: Please send a bathing suit, change of clothes, towel, snacks for the morning, goggles, hat, and sunscreen.  All students will be offered a burger and watermelon (provided at no cost thanks to PAC).  If your child doesn't like burgers, please make sure you also send a lunch.

June 27: Last day for students.  Final Learning Updates (a.k.a. report cards) sent home.



Some of the new 2024-25 kindergarten students did not receive their gift bags at the Welcome to Kindergarten event back in May.  If you would like to stop by the office, we have them here for pick up.  Some materials may be nice to have over the summer. :)



We have a bunch of backpacks we would like to give away to families who could use them.  Please stop by the office to pick one up if you could use one (or two). 



Wanted!  Your Feedback!  Please check out the district’s operational plan (there’s a video) and submit your feedback through the survey.  We are asking questions about what YOU think is important!



For many, many reasons, we suggest that families keep their birthday celebrations (especially the food parts) for home.  If you have birthday invitations to hand out, this can be done after school or discreetly put into student backpacks at lunch.  Talk to your child's teacher if you would like to know about their birthday customs - most do have an inclusive, pre-planned way of recognizing special days.



You may have heard through the grapevine, but here are some staffing changes that we know about for next year:

Ms. Rebecka has accepted a position as principal closer to home and we are on the search for a new principal for EMP for next year.  Applicants must be awesome, and able to unclog toilets.  ;)  Please share the posting with your principal friends - it will come out on our SD6 website and the Make A Future website too.

Ms. Dearin will be leaving the classroom as she has been elected to serve as the Windermere Zone RMTA President.  We wish her the best of luck in her new role!

Ms. Oaks, who is familiar to many families from DTSS & Laird & EMP, will be joining the EMP team (grade to be decided).  We are so excited to have her join us in a full-time capacity!

We are on the lookout for applicants to fill a new position at EMP: Child and Youth Care Worker.  If you know someone who has the qualifications and/or would be a good fit, please share this posting with them.  This is someone who will work with all classes, and will primarily help students develop their social/emotional self-regulation strategies.  



If your child will be leaving EMP next year or if you know of families who will be joining us, please contact the office to give us a heads up!  We are planning classes very soon and need the most updated information in order to do this effectively.  All grade 3 students who will be attending J.A. Laird are already registered over there - no need to contact us about that.


Share your thoughts!

Please watch the video and then click the survey link to provide feedback on the SD6 operational plan.  

In the video, Steve quickly goes through the SD6 operational plan - this is a plan created after looking at student achievement data, attendance numbers, feedback from school staff and community partners, etc.  It is broad in its scope, and from this starting point, each school and district department creates their own site-specific plan to help foster student growth.   

Where we say a goal is to "Improve student outcomes" or "Elevate student agency," we will implement different strategies depending on the students we are working with to help them grow.  Our plan will look different from the finance, technology, or operations departments', and also different from the other schools' plans, but we are all working together to ensure continuous growth. 

At EMP we will use the lens of the Core Competencies to develop our plan, so our next step this year (after looking at reading, writing, and numeracy assessment data) is to go through the Core Competency curriculum and highlight the most important strengths our students have, and their greatest areas of need. 

So what do YOU think we should focus on the most?  We are going to simplify our strategic plan and are looking for parent/guardian input, along with community partner and rightsholders' input.   An exercise for you when you have a moment: click on this Core Competencies link and read the document. 

     - Which parts stand out as strengths for our children? 

     - Which parts stand out as needing more attention?

We will post our own link to a feedback form soon, where you can share what direction EMP should go.  Also, please remember the PAC meeting on Tuesday, May 21 at 7:00 pm where we will briefly go over our draft plan in person.


May 8

Hello EMP Parents & Guardians!  Here are some things for you to know about...


Community Engagement Sessions:

1. Online session to learn about the SD6 Operational Plan: Friday, May 10 at 1:00 pmClick here for the meeting link and more information on why it’s important for parents to participate in the engagement process!

2. Feedback on the Draft EMP School Plan opens May 16.  We will share it online, and will then have a 15 minute discussion at the PAC meeting on May 21.  We will collect feedback from EMP families and community partners in person and through a survey link, which will be available May 16 – 31.  Stay tuned!


Bike Rodeo information & volunteer sign up:

*The Bike Rodeo is perhaps a misnomer – it is not a rodeo (please let your kids know, there are no horses or steers), and it is not just for bikes (road safety is the focus, so bikes, scooters, or just running shoes are great!).  Don't forget the helmets!


F.I.N.D.:  See the flyer below for information about a new supportive group for families who have kiddos with diverse needs - a diagnosis is not required. 


April 29

Students wrote about their outdoor learning experiences.
Outdoor learning

Hello EMP Families!

Lots of exciting things happening at our school this spring.  Please check out the following two optional but important surveys:

This survey tells you about the Bike Rodeo, planned for May 10.  Definitely fill it in if you want to volunteer, if your child needs a new bike, or if you love biking and want to be in the loop as we encourage students to get to school in active ways.

This survey gives you the option of telling us about your child and their academic, social, emotional, or physical needs for class placements for next year.  


Other things to note:

  • It’s spring and that means mud puddles!  Please ensure your child has a change of clothes available at school, to avoid us having to call you to deliver dry/clean ones. 
  • We only have two school lunches left this year: June 5 and on Fun Day, June 26.  Thanks so much to the EMP parent council for organizing the lunches all year, and to our community food providers.  We can’t say enough great things about the partnerships we have that get good food into our students’ tummies!  Interested in volunteering?  Contact PAC at
  • Our Lost & Found is overflowing once again… please come check it out in our hallway.
  • Walk/Run/Move is happening again on Mondays and Fridays.  Please contact your child’s teacher if you’d like to join us!  We could use volunteers to walk or run with us, or volunteers who could hang out in the field to provide encouragement.
  • The EMP Choir is performing at the Valley Voices Concerts, May 3 & 4 at 7:00 pm in the Trinity United Church.  Ms. Claudette reports: “The EMP choir is now around 45 voices, and the kids have worked hard this term with some challenging music.  I have been really impressed with their commitment, and they are excited for the upcoming performances!  The concert repertoire includes music from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, Chicago, West Side Story, A Chorus Line, and Don't Cry for Me Argentina. Tickets available at Inspire, Radium Library, or Purple Cow in Fairmont. Adults $20. Children $5.”  (EMP choir members are of course free, and one parent is admitted free of charge if they have a child performing.)


Here is a partial list of some of the events taking place at EMP, but please remember to read Seesaw, your child’s agenda, and connect with your child’s teacher for the most complete list of events, as this does not include individual class field trips:

May 1: Welcome to Kindergarten event for next year’s students

May 3 & 4: EMP Choir performs at Valley Voices concerts

May 4: Ready, Set, Learn event for families with children 0-5 years old (see flyer)

May 6: Whole school picture

May 6-10: Informal Learning Updates this week – you should expect a written summary, phone call , email, portfolio update, or conference this week, updating you on how your child is doing.

May 10: Bike Rodeo

May 16: Community Engagement for EMP School Success Plan opens (more info to follow)

May 16: First swimming lessons for grade 2s

May 20: Victoria Day (No School)

May 21: EMP PAC meeting 7:00 pm

May 23: Second swimming lessons for grade 2s

May 28: Third swimming lessons for grade 2s

May 31: Grade 3 track meet at DTSS

June 6: District track meet (for some grade 3 students)

June 11: Last swimming lessons for grade 2s

June 18: EMP Fun Run

June 20: Grade 3 Leaving Celebration

June 21: National Indigenous Peoples Day

June 26: Fun Day

June 27: Last day for students


EMP Spring Book Fair

EMP Book Fair this Saturday
EMP Book Fair this Saturday

April 7

Shoes on carpet for math activity
Math with shoes!

Hello EMP families, here are some updates for you!

Eclipse Info

As many of you are aware, on Monday, April 8, 2024 (11:44-1:35 p.m. with a max exposure at 12:39 p.m.) there will be a partial solar eclipse of the sun that will be visible during the school day.   This is an amazing learning opportunity, but it also comes with health risks requiring requiring a shift in our schedule to ensure both students and staff are not negatively affected. In K-7 schools, we will be keeping students inside from 11:30-1:40 p.m.  They will be allowed outside for some fresh air and exercise before and/or after.

After only a few seconds, there is a risk for eye damage if looking at the sun during a solar eclipse.  When a retina is damaged, it can take hours for the symptoms to appear. Remember, sunglasses are not adequate protection to view a solar eclipse!

Mild symptoms include:

  • Discomfort when looking at bright lights.
  • Headache

The longer someone looks at the eclipse without proper protection, the more serious the symptoms can be.

More severe vision problems can include:

  • Blurry vision
  • Blind spots
  • Trouble seeing colors or shapes.

If anyone experienced any of these symptoms, they should seek medical attention immediately.  

Our colleagues in SD5 created an information page: Solar Eclipse Safety Bulletin.  It outlines precautions and some excellent resources about the solar eclipse that teachers and families can use.  Classes will have the opportunity to view the eclipse live online in their classes (and you can too!) by going to the following website:   NASA Watch Live 2024 Total Solar Eclipse


Parking & Drop-off / Pick-up

A reminder to all parents/guardians who are dropping off to be good neighbours to our neighbours.  

- Do not park in other peoples' driveways / on their lawns.

- Do not move rocks on their property so you can turn around.

- Do not put garbage in their planters / yards.  In fact, we will politely ask parents who use the back parking lot to help us keep our schoolyard litter from flying away into our neighbours' yards.  If you see something, please pitch in to put litter in its place.

- Do not park the wrong way on the street out front, or in the bus pick up/drop off area.

- Do not walk across the parking lot: Find the sidewalk right away as you exit your car, then take the sidewalk around to the school.

- Do not drop off before there are supervisors on duty (8:30 a.m.).  If you must, please talk to Ms. Rebecka or Ms. Gray to ensure we know where your student is and we can find someone to have eyes-on.  


Other Important Info.

  • All classes are visiting Pynelogs Centre for Art from the Heart on Tuesday, April 9.  It is very important that your child arrive ON TIME on this day as the bus will not be able to wait for late students.  
  • School Lunch starts again this Wednesday, and will run April 10, 17, and 24.  Please send in a container with a lid!
  • Our school is hosting Axis Theatre on Wednesday, April 10 for an afternoon performance, and Martin Morigeau Elementary School students will join us.
  • Mrs. Tagg is hosting a Spring Book Fair on Saturday, April 13.  Come check it out from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.  Cash, debit & credit accepted!
  • Walk/Run/Move starts again on Monday, April 15.  Please talk to your child's teacher if you'd like more information or could volunteer some Mondays and/or Fridays.  Running shoes that fit properly are important!  Please let us know if your child needs a pair - we have some extras to give away.
  • The whole school will participate in a Pitch In! community clean-up.  We could use some volunteers to walk around with us.  Once again, please contact your child's teacher if you're willing to help supervise so you can get details about when / where the class is planning to go.
  • Monday, April 22 there is NO SCHOOL for students, as it is the Regional Specialists' Association Professional Development Day.  Many staff members will be in Kimberley for sessions with their SD5 colleagues, and others will be here at EMP learning together. 

March 12

Poster of our kind actions
We do kind actions at EMP!

Hello EMP families!  The warmth of spring (and spring break) are around the corner!  Please note the following:

Lost & Found

All families should stop by the lost and found at the front of the school to search for misplaced belongings.  Items left behind may be donated to the thrift store or put in our EMP “emergency clothes” box. 


Personal Items

All shoes, clothing, toys, etc. will be sent home this week.  Please do your child a couple of favours: Check to see if their inside shoes still fit, remember to send shoes back on April 2, and also ensure that your child’s  name is inside/on all of their belongings so we can return misplaced items to them.


Lunch Leaders Party

The grade 3 students who have been volunteering as lunch leaders are having a pizza party on Wednesday, March 13 at 12:30 pm.  We are so thankful for the way they have shared their time and developed positive relationships with the younger students.  Students should bring their regular snacks, especially fruit/veggies, and we will have 2 pieces of pizza for those who want it (and GF/DF options too).  What a community of bucket fillers we have at EMP!


Common Childhood Infections & Infestations

Head lice, gastro-intestinal illnesses, and other communicable diseases are going around! Please check out the Interior Health website to learn what to look for when checking for head lice. Please confirm that your child has an active case of head lice before starting treatment. Head lice are frequently “diagnosed” when in fact, they aren’t there. Here is a link to the step by step parent guide and treatment options.  If you have any further questions or difficulties, please contact your local Public Health Nurse.

March 4

Exploring in our neighbourhood

Hello EMP Families,

Here are some important events for the next few weeks, followed by hopefully helpful information:

Tuesday, March 5

We are very fortunate to be hosting Alex Zerbe, a.k.a. the Zaniac, for a school performance.  He is also performing at the Columbia Valley Centre for an evening show on March 6, presented by the District of Invermere (more info here.)  We expect this will be a very engaging show, with some science thrown into the fun!  Our apologies in advance if your child comes home wanting to become a juggler or a mad scientist. ;)

Wednesday, March 6

Early Dismissal: We will be dismissing all students at 1:05 pm to allow for parent-student-teacher conferences or phone calls.  Please ensure your after-school care providers are aware!

Monday, March 11

Learning Updates (Report Cards) are going to be sent home Monday, March 11.  Some teachers are hosting conferences, some are doing regular reports, but all are interested in meeting in person should you have concerns.  Please contact your child’s teacher with any questions or concerns anytime, not just during reporting week! 

Friday, March 15

Last day of school before spring break!  It's a great day to stop by and check your child's coat room and the lost & found for all misplaced items.  Have a wonderful break and we'll see you on Tuesday, April 2 after Easter.


Attendance / Drop-off / Playground Caution

Please help us ensure the safety of all students and family members:

  • Supervision starts at 8:30 a.m. OUT BACK by the playground.  When your child arrives, please instruct them to drop their bag by their classroom and GO to the PLAYGROUND.  Not in Bongo.  Not by the dumpsters.  Not by the shed.  Not in the hallways.  Not by the music portable.  If students get the same message from everyone, we will be better able to keep an eye on them as they wait for the bell.
  • If your child is going to be away, please call Ms. Gray (250-342-9315) or send an email to Ms. Gray AND the classroom teacher indicating when and why.  We track the following reasons for students missing school: illness, family vacation, medical appointment.  If you’re keeping them home because they have something important going on but it’s not illness/medical, we call that “family vacation.” We have a safe-arrival program which requires us to attempt to make contact with families to ensure students who we haven’t seen yet are accounted for – we’re not trying to bug you, we just need to know if we are expecting them. 
  • Ice is lying in wait under the snow, so please tread carefully when on the playground.  As it warms up, we are experiencing many slips in the mud/water.  Please ensure that your child has a change of clothes ready at school including shirt, pants, undies, socks.  It’s too hard to learn when we’re cold and uncomfortable! While you’re at it, many students have outgrown their indoor shoes.  Spring Break is a great time to check the shoes and replace if needed. 

Lost & Found

Please come check the lost and found, or ask your child to swing by and have a peek.  It would be great to thin it out a bit before spring break. :) 

Plans for next year? 

Yes, we are already looking at enrolment numbers and looking towards our staffing needs next year.  Please let Ms. Gray know about any students moving away or moving into our catchment area.  We are still accepting kindergarten registrations – the sooner the better!  All grade 3 students will be automatically enrolled at J.A. Laird, unless you tell us otherwise.

Music Notes

Ms. Claudette reports that the EMP choir is going strong with twice-a-week rehearsals for our grade 2 & 3 students who have chosen to participate.  They will join the Valley Voices for two songs, PLUS perform one song by themselves.  It's a BROADWAY theme, so you will hear many familiar and famous tunes!

Confirmed Dates:  Friday, May 3 & Saturday, May 4    Both shows at 7:00 p.m.

Venue:  Windermere Valley Shared Ministry Church,  110 - 7th Ave. in Invermere

February 7

Student playing with blocks
Learning through play every day!

Hello, Ki'su'k kyukyit, Weyt-kp, and Tawnshi!

Kindergarten Registration

Those families who missed the registration window for next year – do not despair!  We will continue to accept registrations, but the sooner you register, the better so we can ensure we have adequate staffing in place.  Please see this link for more info about kindergarten, and to register.  Our K team is planning the Welcome to Kindergarten event for May 1, where our future students and their caregivers come for their first official visit.  We are also working with many of our early learning partners so teachers and ECEs have opportunities to collaborate before students arrive. 

What could you do to prepare your child for school?  We highly recommended that you visit Ms. June at the EMP Strong Start to get to know the school and connect with other families of pre-K students.  It’s free & fun, and for all children from birth to 5 years old!  Check the link for their schedule.


Mudpuddles + Ice = Extra clothes please

Our school yard is very messy these days – it’s a perfect place in which to explore, learn, and get soaking wet.  Please check to make sure your child has a change of clothes at school (especially socks and pants) and that these supplies are refreshed after they are used.  Some students need new clothes every day!


School Lunches

Upcoming dates for school lunches:

     Feb. 14 (Burgers, salad)

     Feb. 21 (Spaghetti & sauce, salad)

     Feb. 28 (Pulled pork bun, salad)

     March 6 (Tacos, salad)

No lunch planned for the week before spring break.


Important dates to Remember

Monday, Feb. 19: Family Day (No school)

Tuesday, Feb. 20: Professional Development Day (No school for students)

Wednesday, March 6: Early Dismissal (students out at 1:08). Please ensure your after school care providers are aware of this.

March 16 – April 1: Spring Break and Easter.  School resumes on Tuesday, April 2.


Free Workshop on Substance Use

The Ministry of Education and Child Care, in partnership with adolescent Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Hayley Watson, will be hosting free virtual sessions on youth substance use for parents/guardians, caregivers and caring adults. Dr. Watson will provide valuable insights, practical tips, and resources to equip participants with the tools needed to guide their children and youth toward making positive choices when it comes to substance use.

Key Takeaways for Participants:

  • Learn why children/teenagers are drawn to substances.
  • Understand what causes and maintains substance use disorder and needs.
  • Increase your child’s ability to make positive choices about substances.
  • Acquire practical conversation tools for discussing substances in the home.

Participants must register in advance due to limited capacity. Session dates are:

January 15

Students waiting for the bus
Students waiting for the bus

Music Notes

We are fortunate to have on loan a class set of djembe drums which are being used for a drumming unit in music class for K - 3 students. Drum circle is not only fun for children (and adults!), but it also has many benefits. Drum circle creates a sense of community, helps develop rhythm, coordination, listening skills and teamwork. Drumming activities have become increasingly popular in communities, school settings, summer camps, and therapy groups around the world. Drum circles have been significant in Indigenous communities worldwide for thousands of years, serving social, emotional and spiritual functions.

Ms. Claudette has led drum circles in her past school assignments for many years. She has been engaging EMP students in noisy fun since January 8, and will continue until the end of this week.  We are thankful for her passion (and patience) with all our learners!

In choir news, the EMP choir for grades 2 & 3 will be starting up again on January 22, 2024, with rehearsals held on Mondays and Thursdays. The choir meets in the music portable during lunch recess. Students will work to develop their vocal/choral skills while preparing songs for performance. New members are welcome to join at this time, they just need to pick up a permission form from Ms. Claudette or their teacher and return it by the 22nd.  Past members do not need to bring in a new form – just show up ready to sing!

Ms. Claudette reminds us: Choir does require commitment, so please talk with your child to be sure they are willing to come on board. Choir members must be willing to work as a team, exhibiting appropriate focus and behaviour so that we make efficient use of our rehearsal time. Students should attend both rehearsals each week (unless ill, or on a class field trip).


PAC Meeting Tuesday!

The EMP Parent Advisory Council invites all parents to their January meeting, taking place in the EMP staff room at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, January 16.


Food at EMP

With school lunches and our in-house nutrition program fully under way, it’s a good time to remind parents of your responsibility to ensure we are informed of any allergies or intolerances.  Please touch base with Ms. Gray if there are any new medical notes to add you your child’s file: we really need to know about allergies to the items listed below.  It’s difficult for school staff to know when a young child says they “can’t eat” something if it’s an actual no-go food, or if they just haven’t tried it before and should be encouraged.  If we get the information from parents, then we know for sure!  If your child has outgrown a condition, that is also great for us to know.

As we all know, providing healthy food for our families is not cheap these days.  The Government of BC, the Ministry of Education and Child Care, and SD6  realize this and have put an increased amount of money and personnel in place in schools so we can meet the nutritional needs of students.  In the past, the food programs that existed targeted a small group of students who were selected by staff.  Now, our focus is on teaching about nutrition at an early age, and providing food to ANYONE when they are hungry.  Our #1 food item, available to all students every day (or until we run out and get to the store to buy more) is fruit / vegetables.  Then, for those students who demonstrate that they have eaten all their food from home, we aim to offer high protein / high fiber options like bagels, ham & cheese sandwiches, cheese, yogurt, milk, oatmeal, muffins, etc.

January 11, 2024

Welcome back!

The EMP family is growing!  We would like to welcome all families back to EMP, and extend a very warm welcome to the new families who have joined us recently.  We are also so pleased to announce that Mrs. Riva Stevens will be working at EMP as our new Indigenous Education Support Worker, a position she has filled most recently at Windermere Elementary.  She brings a wealth of knowledge and we look forward to working with her.  All Indigenous students benefit from cultural, social-emotional, language, or academic support from an IESW, and all students in the school benefit from the support that IESWs offer to teachers and whole classes.  Indigenous families (or anyone) can reach out to Mrs. Stevens by calling the school, emailing (, or by stopping by Nupqu’s Den at lunch for a chat.


School Lunches

The EMP PAC is again serving up hot meals to students who have pre-ordered on Wednesdays. 

- What if you haven’t already ordered but would like to now?  No problem!  Please ask for an order form from Ms. Gray (  Give us a week and we will have food ready for your child on the following school lunch day.

- Need some financial assistance to make this happen for your child?  No problem!  Please contact Ms. Gray in confidence and we will ensure your balance is covered.


When should students stay inside?

There is no magic number of when students should stay inside the school.  As a general guideline, this discussion should happen when the temperature reaches -17°C without windchill but it is up to the principal’s discretion and assessment. For example, the principal may decide to cancel an outdoor field trip that is away from the school with no place for students and staff to warm-up but decides to offer outdoor recess because students are only outside for short period of time and the school has extra winter clothing available for all that may require it. 

Our guiding questions include:  Are students dressed for the weather?   How long will students be outside?  Is there a windchill?  What is the activity?   Is shelter available to warm-up,  if required?

If you see a blue sign up in the front windows at EMP when you drop your child off in the morning, this means that we are bringing all students inside as soon as they arrive.  At EMP, we call this a “blue day;” we may go outside for recess briefly or maybe not at all, depending on how the weather holds up.

Families should ensure students have warm clothing with them.  For tomorrow, staff will be insisting that students actually wear their warm gear before allowing them out the door at the end of the day, due to the extreme temperatures.

If your child is in need of a warm jacket, showpants, boots, etc.  please let us know and we can go through some of the donated clothing that we have in the office to see if we can outfit them. 

FYI, items left in the lost and found for an extended period of time are either donated to the thrift store or become part of our in-school collection, so please check the lost & found often, and write your child's name in their belongings so we can reunite them.



Please remember that we do not have supervisors on duty until 8:30 am.  Several students are arriving before then.  Please contact our principal, Ms. Rebecka, if you have a temporary extenuating circumstance that requires an early drop off, and we will see what we can do to provide a supervisor.  The last thing we want is a little one left alone outside in the cold!



We ask all visitors to the school yard to be extremely careful as they walk around: Our maintenance crew puts tremendous effort into sanding and removing hazards, but it’s impossible to remove all the ice.  When parking in our front parking lot, remember to exit your cars and immediately find the sidewalk – do not walk across the parking lot as it models unsafe behaviour for the kids.  No one should be walking across the parking lot!


Sledding Fun

With the bit of new snow, and after this cold spell is over, we will once again open the hills for sledding.  Here are the rules, which teachers, supervisors, and parents will need to review with their children:

- Soft sleds only

- Helmets required

- Must wear all winter gear to sled or play in the snow (including snowpants)

- Do not leave sleds outside overnight

- NEW! Morning recess reserved for grade 2 & 3 students only

- NEW! Lunch recess reserved for K & 1 only

Sleds can be kept at school in the areas that teachers designate, but we are not responsible if they are lost, broken, or misplaced.


Kindergarten Registration 2024-2025

It’s that time of year!  Kindergarten registration for September 2024 will be open from January 22, 2024 to February 2, 2024. Children turning five by December 31, 2024 are eligible and you can find out more information about registration and kindergarten programming by reading the Full Day Kindergarten tab on the SD6 website (

Check out the following helpful links:

Pathway to Kindergarten

Supporting the Transition to Kindergarten

When I Go to Kindergarten

Health Hints for Kindergarten   

In May, we will host kindergarten orientation sessions for parents and future students who have registered.  Please encourage anyone you know who is thinking of sending their child to kindergarten next year to register early – they can register as soon as the registration system goes live on January 22!  Questions about whether or not your child is ready?  Concerned about your child’s needs being met?  Please contact Ms. Rebecka to discuss specifics, and check out this document: Considerations for Kindergarten 

December 5

Happy December!

Our food bank drive has begun!

Please send in non-perishable food items if you like from now until December 20th.  Another option is to donate online at or put coins/cash in the donation jar at the office.  We are also helping to facilitate the distribution of food hampers to families and connect families in need with our Community LINK worker.  Need a hand?  Please reach out to our principal, Rebecka Riddell-McKay, or our C-Link Worker, Kelsey Olsen, for discreet assistance.


Whole School Meal

It takes place this Wednesday, December 6.  Thanks to our hard-working PAC team for organizing this amazing community-building meal for students and staff.  It is free, and students don’t need to sign up in advance to take part.  Please send in a container with a lid, if you have one, and a fork.  We will have extra plates & cutlery available for those who need them.


Music Informances are back!

Ms. Claudette Villeneuve, our esteemed Arts Education teacher, invites parents in to class to see what students have been up to recently.  But what exactly is an “Informance”?

While a performance is a polished final product, an informance showcases the process. Rather than solely for the purpose of entertainment, an informance educates the audience with regard to the music program.  When parents are invited to experience their child’s typical music class, they get to see first-hand the many components that make up a music program, and gain valuable insight into the learning process. Singing, body percussion, movement/dance, playing instruments, improvising, and creating, music literacy activities can all be included in an informance.

The schedule below outlines when each class invites parents into the Music Portable. 


Monday, Dec 11

BUCHMANN (1:05 - 1:45pm)

CASEY (2:25 - 3:05pm)


Tuesday, Dec 12

HELMER  (1:05 - 1:45pm)

REID  (2:25 - 3:05pm)


Wednesday, Dec 13

MCLENNAN  (9:00 - 9:40 am)

JACOBSEN/TAGG  (9:40 - 10:20am)

DEARIN  (1:45 - 2:25pm)


Thursday, Dec 14

ORR/ERVIN   (10:50 - 11:30am)

FRY/ERVIN (11:30am - 12:10pm)

GARVIE/PETERSEN (2:25 - 3:05pm)


Volunteer Orientation Training Session

Join us in the library at 8:30 am on Friday, December 8 to go through the SD6 Child Abuse Protocol Training and learn what it takes to be a volunteer.  This training is necessary for all volunteers each school year.  You will also need a criminal record check that is less than 5 years old on file in an SD6 school.  Questions?  Please ask Ms. Gray.


Common Childhood Infections & Infestations

It’s that time of year when colds, head lice, and other communicable diseases are going around!  Please check out the Interior Health website to learn what to look for when checking for head lice.  Lots of valuable information here.

November 27

Volunteers help take care of our schoolyard.
Volunteers help take care of our schoolyard.

Hello! Weytkp! Kiʔsuʔk kyukyit! Taanishi! 

We hope you are having a fabulous week. Here are a few reminders & new info for EMP families:

Dress like it's WINTER!

  • It's cold but we like to learn outside, so please send snow pants, hats, and mitts every day!  Please practice getting dressed at home so students can build their independence in getting dressed at school. 

School Lunches

  • School lunch happens on (most) Wednesdays. Thanks so much to the volunteers who make it a huge success!  We ask that families who have ordered meals send a container with a lid so students can bring home leftovers or just pop their containers into their backpacks without making a mess. Remember the cutlery too!  Tacos and salad are on the menu this week.
  • On Wednesday, December 6, there will be a very special school lunch for all students and staff (no need to order or pay anything).  We will be serving turkey, veggies, and other mouthwatering items, and will be able to accommodate most special dietary requirements.  All students are encouraged to bring a container with a lid and cutlery, even if it's just to try a tiny bit.  We will all be sitting together in the gym.  Those who prefer to eat their own lunches from home can still join in the community-building fun!

Parking Lot Safety

  • Please do not walk across the parking lot.  When you exit your car, set a good example for our students: find the sidewalk and walk the safe way around to the school.  

Did you know? 

  • All families are required to fill in a Student Emergency Release Form, which tells us who we can release the students to in the case of an emergency.  Usually, it's the parents and another LOCAL responsible adult or two who are listed.  This form is a paper copy, not an electronic form, as it stays in our emergency "go bag" so we can take it with us if needed.  If you ever need to update your information, please call or come in to speak with Ms. Gray.  
  • If we ever need to leave the school grounds for emergency reasons, our designated "safe spots" are DTSS and J.A. Laird.  

Book Fair Thanks

  • Thank you to all families who came in to support our fundraising efforts for our library collection, and especially to Mrs. Tagg, who put on a very successful book fair.  We plan to host another one in the spring.

Child Care Survey

In February 2022 our school district surveyed all K-7 families to determine the need for after-school care in our communities. We had over 300 responses across the district and based on this data, the board approved moving ahead with creating after-school programs operated by third-party providers. In the fall of 2022, after-school programs began operating at LPES (in Kimberley), WES, EMP, and EES, (in Invermere).  In addition to after-school care, most also offer some type of full-day care on pro-d days, during winter break, spring break, and summer break.  We are very happy to be sharing our spaces with community partners to help improve the child care situation.  However, across the province there is usually more need than spots available.  Please see the message below regarding a new survey.

Dear Parent/Guardian,

On behalf of the Ministry of Education and Child Care, we are sharing the survey information below to help inform the Province’s ChildCareBC initiatives:

We know that many families depend on school-age child care to ensure their children have a quality, affordable, and inclusive place to be during a parent’s full work day. That is why the Province’s ChildCareBC plan is working to expand access to child care for all families that want and need it.

The Ministry of Education and Child Care is conducting a parent survey to better understand the regional and provincial demand for school age child care.

While we know there is unmet demand for school-aged child care, there is no current provincial or regional data quantifying the demand. Your participation will help the Province plan for future school-aged child care expansions.

This survey is intended for all parents, regardless of the type of child care you currently use or even if you are not using any child care at all.


Who should fill out this survey?

If you have children attending Kindergarten to Grade 7 at a B.C. school, we want to hear from you about your family’s child care needs.

What will this survey be used for?

The survey results will be used to support planning for future initiatives under the ChildCareBC plan. All responses are voluntary and anonymous; you and your child will not be identified as a result of your participation in the survey. Information received will be combined and shared with your school and district as a summary.

How do I complete the survey?

The survey is now available online at:

and is available in 18 languages. The survey will take 10-15 minutes to complete and is available starting November 21  Please only complete the survey once. The link is intended especially for you. Please do not share the link with anyone else. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at If you encounter any technical difficulties, please contact the web survey provider (AWIS) at

We greatly appreciate your input and thank you in advance for your participation.



Ministry of Education and Child Care

November 14

Good morning, EMP Families!

Two important reminders for tomorrow, Wednesday, November 15:

1. Picture retakes will happen for those who want them. 

2. Hot lunch forms are due.  


We are very thankful to the Legion members, veteran, and cadets who came to our Remembrance Day ceremony last week.  Students at EMP are learning about protocols surrounding the singing of O Canada and the reasons why we have this assembly each year.  We know that our job is to remember and learn from the past, and we are learning that our ultimate goal is to solve problems in peaceful ways.  The entire school showed amazing listening skills and made many connections during the ceremony.  We know that we may not always agree with each other but we can always listen, show patience, and seek help to solve conflicts. 


As a way to help our community grow stronger and support those in need, we will be inviting students to bring in food or money donations for the food bank, starting in December. 

Another way to help our school community is offered to families through the PAC's hot lunch program.  Please consider making a donation so we can support those students who may not otherwise be able to afford these special meals.  Families who would like to request partial or full financial assistance can do so by emailing our principal at

PAC is also asking that parents who are able to help hand out the meals sign up through this link.  Many hands make light work!


Sometimes, we just want a little extra time at home.  Sometimes, the mountains are calling our names.  Sometimes, we just gotta do something else.  We get it.  Please, please, please, when your child is away from school or they are late, let the school know by calling or emailing Ms. Gray and your child's teacher.  Ms. Gray:   Office: 250-342-9315

Also understand that consistent attendance (and punctuality) affect student growth and are highly desirable traits that you can help develop in your child.  When a child walks in 10 minutes late to the morning meeting, or while everyone else is already working, they will often feel unsettled and anxious about school.  This is something families can work on to help students get the most out of the routines that teachers thoughtfully establish.

October 23

The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation was recognized at EMP.

Hello EMP families!

Some upcoming events to note and a message about toys at school...


There are many pros and cons associated with bringing special toys (or belongings) to school.  Toys can be tools that help students overcome big feelings, they can help children to build connections with peers and adults, they can entertain and build students' self-identity, etc.  But we also see that they can interfere with learning and contribute to recess conflicts.  If your child wants to bring something special to school, and you believe it would be a manageable responsibility for them, please talk to them about how they would feel if it was lost or broken.  Talk to them about how they would go about sharing their toy with others.  If it's not something they would feel comfortable sharing, perhaps it is a toy for home, not school.  Before you let any toy into their backpack or pocket, please reinforce the message that toys should stay in the backpacks until recess.  Our teachers, support staff, and noon-hour supervisors thank you for your help with this!


Family Session: Establishing Safe, Caring and Respectful Digital Communities 

Everyone Welcome! Offered by erase.  Recommended for Parents/ Caregivers/ Grandparents and youth aged 10 and up as a way to facilitate the conversation of safe and caring use of technology at home and in the community. This session covers all things digital, from how to be a good digital citizen, the criminal consequences of cyberbullying, and how to report and receive support in cases of sexting/sextortion. Some of the most prominent concerns currently surrounding use of social media platforms, smartphones, and artificial intelligence will be discussed.  Three dates are currently offered:

November 8, 2023 6:30pm – 7:30pm  Click link to learn more

November 28, 2023 7:00pm – 8:00pm  Click link to learn more

November 30, 2023 6:30pm – 7:30pm  Click link to learn more


Wednesday, Oct. 25 - Early Dismissal 

Students will be dismissed at 1:08, and busses will run as usual.  This is to facilitate conversations between teachers and families.  Some teachers will be meeting in person this week, some will be reaching out by calling, emailing, or sending home informal learning updates.  Please reach out to your child's teacher if you would like to connect and haven't heard from them yet.  By working together, families and school staff play an essential role in the growth of our children!


Friday, Oct. 27 - Volunteer Training Session

Please join us before school in the EMP library at 8:30 am if you would like to participate in the Child Abuse Protocol Training session.  This is a requirement every school year for all volunteers.  


Monday, Oct. 30 -  EMP Pumpkin Palooza 

Family dance and pumpkin carving. In the gym & skyrooms 5:30 - 6:30, with pumpkin viewing outside until 6:45.  Bring your own pumpkin & tools if you like.  See messages from teachers in SeeSaw for more info.


Tuesday, Oct. 31 - Black & Orange Day 

Wear black or orange if you like!  Please keep (most of) the candy at home!


Friday, Nov. 17 - Ready, Set, Learn 

Community event for families with children 0-5 yrs.  See the flyer for more info.  Help us to get the message out by posting the flyer at your workplace if you like!  RSL Nov 17 Teddy Bear Picnic.pdf  


Saturday, Nov. 18 -  EMP Scholastic Book Fair       

9:00 am to 4:00 pm in the EMP gym.  A portion of all sales goes back into our school library, and all students in the school will be entered into a draw for book prizes.  Thank you, Mrs. Tagg, for organizing this event again! 

October 13

Good morning, EMP Parents!

Some bussing issues this morning (oct. 13) affecting Darcy's bus - please check the SD6 website or bus app where it says:

"Route #W3: Green Acres (Orange Bus) Cancelled
Due to unforeseen circumstances Route #W3: Green Acres ( Orange Bus) will not be running today, October 13, 2023. We will update you with further details shortly regarding the afternoon run, which may or may not be running per schedule."

And in other news...

- Rebecka will be offering a volunteer training session this morning at 9:20 am sharp in the library to go over the Child Abuse Protocol Training.  It will be short & sweet, so please come if you can!

Important Events:

o Choir for grades 2 & 3: Mondays & Thursdays at lunch, offered by Ms. Claudette.

o Tuesday, Oct. 17: School photos

o Friday, Oct. 20: Professional Development Day – No school for students

o Wednesday, Oct. 25: Early Dismissal. Please note the dismissal time is 1:08 pm, two hours earlier than normal. This is Informal Reports week – an opportunity for teachers to communicate with all parents through a letter home, a phone call, or an invite into class. If you want to speak to your child’s teacher but it doesn’t happen this week, don’t worry! You can always ask to meet with them at another time.

o Monday, Oct. 30: EMP Pumpkin Palooza family dance and pumpkin carving. In the gym & skyrooms 5:30 - 6:30, with pumpkin viewing outside until 6:45.

o Tuesday, Oct. 31: Black & Orange Day  Wear black or orange if you like!

o Friday, Nov. 17:  Ready, Set, Learn event for families with children 0-5 yrs. RSL Nov 17 Teddy Bear Picnic.pdf  

September 26

Weytkp!  Hello EMP Families!


Homework for Parents & Guardians

Yes, indeed, parents have homework!  (When we say this, the students giggle and think the world is feeling a little more fair...)

But seriously, this is what we ask parents to do to ensure they are aware of what is happening at school and so that we can build the home-school connection.  A strong home-school connection means there is good communication between a child's family and their teacher, and this improves student confidence and growth.  

1. Look at your child's agenda every day.  Even if nothing is written in it, you can write something to your child or keep track of after school plans there.  Students who develop the habit of bringing home the agenda, taking it out, showing it to parents, and putting it back in their backpacks develop their "executive functioning skills."  They can apply these planning skills to other areas of their lives and develop their independence.

2. Have your child help make their lunch.  Of course it is often easier to do it yourself, but they are more likely to eat what is packed if they have a hand in choosing.  Offer them two or three healthy choices, and keep it simple if they are younger. Please remember that our school is NUT FREE, so peanut butter is not allowed as we have students with severe allergies.

3. Read the Parent Handbook.  It is available on our school website and in the front of your child's agenda. We are in the process of updating it, so if you see anything that doesn't make sense, please let Ms. Gray know. 

4. Make contact with your child's teacher.  If you have already seen them and introduced yourself (perhaps at the Open House last week - thank you all for attending!), or if you have sent a quick response to an email or SeeSaw message, THANK YOU!  Your active participation in the daily school life of your child makes a difference!  If your child's teacher has not reached out yet with a letter, email, or Seesaw message, please take a moment to reach out to them by email because they may not have your correct contact information.

5. And finally, parents or guardians need to verify their contact information and permissions for various things (like media consent, walking field trips, Indigenous ancestry, etc.) by completing the online forms ASAP.  Need help?  Please call Ms. Gray.  As we say at EMP: We are learning to do hard things! (and no doubt about it, online forms are hard, but not impossible!).


Interior Health Information for Families

It's that time of year!  Please review the information on respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections, head lice, etc. on the Interior Health website.  

Consult the Too Sick for School? info sheet if you're not sure if your child should stay home.  Call the school or email your child's teacher AND Ms. Gray if your child is going to be away (


Some dates to remember (Many of these are in the parent handbook, in the student agendas):

Orange Shirt Days: We have two this week, but students are invited to wear orange shirts at any time.  Wednesday, September 27 (as Ms. Tish is doing some activities with all classes tomorrow to recognize the impact of Residential schools) and Friday, September 29, when we will have an assembly.

Monday, Oct. 2 - No school (National Day for Truth and Reconciliation observed)

Wednesday, Oct. 4 - Bus safety presentations

Monday, Oct. 9 - No school (Thanksgiving)

Tuesday, Oct. 17 - Picture Day!

Friday, Oct. 20 - No school (Professional development day for school staff)

Wednesday, October 25 - Early dismissal at 1:05 pm (Interim reporting week - you can expect a parent teacher meeting or phone call or conference sometime this week)




September 11


Hello EMP families!

Here is your semi-weekly update of important EMP events and notices:

- We want to get outside!  Please ensure that you fill in the School Start-Up Forms as soon as possible, so that we have your contact information, updated medical/allergy information, and permission to take students off of school grounds for amazing learning opportunities like the following...

- Walk/Run/Move: Our whole school participates in this active-lifestyle event.  Students choose how they want to move their bodies, and can run or walk around the block, in the field, or move their bodies in other ways the field area.  Teachers help students to set goals and track their progress, and students see tremendous growth between the fall and the spring sessions.  School staff go over safety rules and supervise.  Parents are welcome to join, but please check in with your child's teacher in advance so we can keep track of who the adults are.

- We plan to host the EMP Terry Fox Run on Friday, September 22, and it kicks off our Walk/Run/Move program.  On this day, we will start with a short assembly and then will get going outside!  Families can send a "Toonie for Terry" if they would like to donate to the Canadian Cancer Society, but pledge forms will not be sent out.

- The EMP Open House / Meet the Teacher night is being held Wednesday, September 20.  Doors will be open from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., and everyone is invited to drop in to meet the staff and see the school. 

- Our principal will host a volunteer training session on Wed. Sept. 20 at 4:30 p.m. in the library.  Childcare will be provided out on the playground from 4:30 - 5:00 for those attending the training.  This is just before our open house.  We will review the Child Abuse Protocol (a requirement each year for volunteers) and discuss some of the volunteer opportunities we anticipate having this year.  If you cannot attend this session, don't worry!  We will offer another one later, and so will the other SD6 principals (you just have to do it at one school - we share our list of trainees with other schools).  

September 6

New year, new students! Welcome all kindergarteners!

Hello EMP families

It has been a wonderful two days of seeing our students return to EMP!  There were so many excited reunions on the playground; it warmed our hearts and reminded us why we do what we do. We anticipate it may take a little more time for everyone to settle in, but we thank all of you who trust in the class placements. All teachers and support staff have spent countless hours considering the very best placements, and everything from academic confidence, friendships, conflicts, energy levels, previously identified supports needed and parent concerns have gone into the creation of these classes. Will your child be placed in the same class as their best friend?  Not always, and for good reason.  Will you get the same teacher you already had with an older sibling?  Not always, but we're so happy to hear you love them!  We hope that after a day or two, you will connect with your child's teacher should you have concerns - students don't always show their anxiousness at school but will instead save it all up to share with you at home because you are their safe people, the ones they trust to take care of them.  In time, I hope you are able to see how much each of our staff members at EMP care for their students!  

Kindergarten families came to the Teddy Bear Picnic today, and teachers got to know their new batch of students through games and crafts. They will begin their school year with a gradual entry - please see the Kindergarten tab on the EMP website ( to review their schedule.  Kindy parents, please remember to complete the CHEQ questionnaire, as discussed at the meeting.  Lost your login?  Come see Ms. Rebecka at the office for a reprint.

Agendas will be handed out to all students soon - please read, sign, & have your child put it back in their backpack each day. If you have after school plans that are different than usual, please write them in the agenda, and also let your child's teacher and Ms. Gray know by calling or emailing (

Not sure who your child's teacher is yet?  Don't worry, they will be reaching out soon to introduce themselves and send you their contact info (or check out the staff page on the EMP website for their email addresses).  Most teachers will be using SeeSaw as a tool to supplement communication between home and school, and to involve students in the learning process.  Your supportive comments online will mean a lot to your child!

Bell schedule - please see  Remember that there is no supervision until 8:30 a.m. in the morning, and that students are dismissed two hours early every Friday. 

August 29, 2023

library students

Hello! Weyt-kp! Kiʔsuʔk kyukyit! Tawnshi!

We are eagerly anticipating and planning for the new school year.  Families, please note the times for the first day of school for students in grades 1 - 3 at EMP:

Tuesday, September 5:  8:50 a.m. - 11:05 a.m.   

  • Busses will pick up at the regular time and drop off 4 hours earlier than normal.
  • This is an important day for students: The short timeframe allows them to dip their toes back into the school routine. 
  • All new students will be welcomed at the office and in the library.  They will tour the school with the principal and support staff and will be then placed with their peers.
  • All past EMP students will return to their classroom from last year (a familiar place), and will connect with their peers and teacher from last year.  They will be introduced to all of their possible teachers for this year.  
  • Please send a nut-free snack with your child.  Inside shoes are not needed until the next day.
  • Class lists will be made after we see who is returning, who is new, and what our configurations will look like. 


Wednesday, September 6:  8:50 a.m. - 3:08 p.m.

  • Busses will be running as usual for students in grades 1 - 12.
  • Students will learn who their teacher is and where their classroom is when they arrive in the morning. (Please do not ask to find out early - we will not know.)
  • Please send a nut-free snack and lunch.  Also send indoor shoes that will live at school.  Remember to label all of your child's belongings with their name.
  • Grade 1 - 3 students will have a full day of school.
  • Kindergarten students will attend only from 1:15 - 2:45 p.m. with a parent.  Bussing is not available for them.  They will be joining us in the gym and outside for our Teddy Bear's Picnic.

Kindergarten parents, please see the staggered-entry schedule here.

We look forward to seeing you soon!



June 27

The Fun Day committee has asked that we send out some reminders. Please take note:

- All students will go to their classrooms to start the day.  Teachers will take attendance.  If your child is not coming to school, please call 250-342-9315 or email Ms. Gray ( in the office in advance.  If your child is late, they MUST check in at the office before joining the festivities out back in the field.

- We will have an assembly to start (around 9:30 am).  Teachers will go over how the stations will work and will explain behaviour expectations.

- Grade 7 big buddies are going to assist with stations, and so will many staff members and volunteers.  Thank you!!

- Lunch will be served around 12:10, and students will go to their classrooms to eat as usual.  Hot dogs (veggie & GF options available), carrots, and watermelon will be served.  Students can still eat their own snacks during the course of the day, and may bring their own lunch if they don't like hot dogs.

- We expect some sun tomorrow.  Please put on the sunscreen BEFORE school.  If you would like to send sunscreen so they can reapply later, please practice how to put it on together.  (Unfortunately, we have had many sunscreen-in-the-eyes incidents this year already.)  

- Bring a hat!  This protects from sunburn and also overheating. Please make sure your child's name is on the hat.  (Missing a hat?  It's probably in our lost and found right now.)

- There will be opportunities for children to play in the sprinkler / fire hose.  Please pack them a bathing suit or send them in shorts with a change of clothes for later.  A towel with their name on it would be best!  And, some say that goggles are a good idea too...

- All students should already have a water bottle for school.  Please ensure that it has their name on it and that you remind them to drink lots of water when they are playing outside.

Thanks very much to the Fun Day committee!  We are looking forward to seeing a lot of smiling faces tomorrow!

June 1

Students playing
Fun times at recess

Hello parents & guardians,
We are trying a new way of collecting information for next year's classroom placements. Please fill in the survey link here for each of your children at EMP if you have additional information to bring to our attention about their learning and social/emotional needs. It is optional. The deadline to submit your feedback is June 8 at 2:00 pm. Staff will be reviewing input from teachers, support staff, parents, and students themselves in June as we build our class lists for next year. Final decisions about class placement will not happen until September.
On a side note, we are very interested in knowing who is moving away, and who is moving in. If you have not registered yet or have not yet told Ms. Gray about changes to enrolment, please do so ASAP ( This helps us to plan proactively and have staff in place for September.

Other News:
Whole School Lunches: This week's burger & salad lunch was a great success, thanks to our PAC volunteers, especially Rachel Caswell, and also Justin at Rocky River Grill.

Science World is coming to EMP on Monday, June 5. Ask your child what they learned and found the most interesting!

Choir News: Friday, June 9 at 9:15 am, Ms. Claudette's choir group will present at our assembly. Thanks so much to Ms. Claudette for putting a little music into our lives!

EMP Fun Run: Monday, June 12. Please contact Ms. Fry to volunteer (

Ache Brazil Performance: Students will be going to J.A. Laird for a show from the Ache Brasil performance group on June 12th or 13th. Please check your child's agenda to see when their class is scheduled to go. Please note: Kindergarten students only will take the bus. Everyone else will walk. Due to the tight timelines, students who are late will miss the show, and will have to wait at EMP until their class returns. Please help your child to be on time so they don't miss out!

National Indigenous Peoples' Day: Wednesday, June 21, we will be hosting activities in the school yard and having an assembly to recognize the rich history and culture of Canada's Indigenous people. We encourage students who have Indigenous heritage to bring in artifacts, regalia, etc. or wear their ribbon skirts / shirts, sashes, etc. We will be serving fry bread at one of the stations - gluten free options will be available. Thanks to Ms. Tish for working with teachers to organize this celebration!

Fun Day: We are planning one more Whole School Lunch on our annual Fun Day on Wednesday, June 28. We will be serving hotdogs (with veggie & gluten-free options). Please send in healthy snacks as usual (or a whole lunch if your child does not like hot dogs), and be sure your child is dressed for the weather. Rain or shine, we will be outside playing so many fun games! Thanks to Mr. Orr, Ms. Kokko, Ms. McLellan, and all the parents who are helping to organize this event! They ask that you send sunscreen, a hat, a change of clothes or bathing suit, a towel, and, if possible, goggles, as the students will be playing with water and bubbles...lots and lots of bubbles!

Last Day for Students is Thursday, June 29. Report cards will go home this day. If your child is absent, they will be available for pick up at the office the following week (July 4 - 7).

May 24

May & June are soooo busy! Here are some of the important dates to keep in mind:
Thursday, May 25: PAC flower basket pick up 3:30 – 5:00 (around the back of the gym)
Tuesday, May 30: First day of Swimming lessons (Grades 2 & 3) (Teachers are looking for volunteers!)
Tuesday, May 30: Grade 3 Parent orientation night at J.A. Laird 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Wednesday, May 31: Whole School Lunch (sliders & salad) (PAC is looking for volunteers!)
Saturday, June 3: Book Fair 9:00 am to 3:00 pm in the school gym. All sales support our school library!
Monday, June 12: EMP Fun Run (Ms. Fry is looking for volunteers!)
Tuesday, June 13: ArtStarts performance 9:15 am at J.A. Laird for most classes (check your child’s agenda)
Wednesday, June 21: National Indigenous Peoples' Day - activities in the school yard
Friday, June 23: Grade 3 Farewell
Wednesday, June 28: Fun Day - activities & BBQ in the school yard (PAC is looking for volunteers!)

Community Engagement
Thanks to those parents who came out last Wednesday to hear about our school strategic plan. We had several teachers and support staff who talked about our literacy, numeracy, and social-emotional goals and strategies. It was very interesting for us to hear your points of view and questions. It’s rewarding to see the progress students have made, and we are making plans to address gaps that we notice. Please take a moment to add your feedback with the following short survey:

Book Fair
Mrs. Tagg is hosting a book fair in the gym on June 3, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. Please come out to grab some books for the summer! The money raised goes directly to the school library and helps us to keep engaging books on the shelves for our students.

Special Things at School
We continue to see many toys and special items at school. These things make school fun and are great ways to build connections between students. They are also very difficult for a child to keep track of, and we have many lost / misplaced / damaged / stolen items. Parents, please have a conversation with your child about how they will take care of their special thing, and when it is appropriate to take it out of their backpack. Let them know that if the item is a distraction to learning or causing conflict on the playground, they will be directed to put it away and not bring it back to school. Home is the best place for special things.

EMP Fun Run
Once or twice a week, students at EMP lace up their sneakers and run around the field or the block during our Walk/Run physical literacy session. This is where students get to know their community, build their stamina, set goals, and track their personal progress. On Monday, June 12th, we are hosting our annual EMP Fun Run, where students get to show how they have grown! Please ensure your child dresses for the weather and has good running shoes. Please contact Ms. Fry if you would like to volunteer.

After School Plans
Families are making many changes to their after-school schedules these days, and it makes it difficult for school staff to ensure we know where all students are, and where they are going. Please write any after school plans in your child’s agenda so that everyone can check what the plan is for the day – Your child, their teacher, Ms. Gray, and possibly their bus driver will refer to the agenda. Also sending an email to your child’s teacher and Ms. Gray is an excellent idea.    Gold stars to everyone who consistently remembers to call in their child’s absences! Thank you!

May 16

Bikes along the wall of the school
Bike school!

Dates to Remember

Wednesday, May 17       EMP Community Engagement event 6:00 – 8:00 pm

Monday, May 22             No school – Victoria Day

Thursday, May 25           PAC Flower Basket pick up 3:30 – 5:00 pm (around the back of the gym)

Tuesday, May 30             Parent Support Night for Grade 3 Transition  6:00 – 7:30 pm  (J.A. Laird Library)

Wednesday, May 31       Whole School Lunch (Sliders & Salad)


Community Engagement Event (Wednesday)

Our Community Engagement event is an invitation for all parents, guardians, and community partners to join us to hear about our work this year and our strategic plan going forwards.  We will talk about our school’s goals, share assessment data, and what staff members are doing to help students grow in the areas of social-emotional literacy, numeracy, and reading.  We will ask for feedback from parents and community.  Babysitting will be provided (RSVP to Ms. Gray if you would like to reserve a spot for your child).  You are more than welcome to stay for part or all of the session, as your schedule allows.


Bus Field Trips & Walking Field Trips

There are so many events happening in May & June – please see your child’s planner and forms for more information.  Swimming looks like it’s a go for grades 2 and 3.  It will start May 30 and run for four Tuesdays in a row at Fairmont Hot Springs pool.  No cost to parents.  More info to follow.


Plan for Sun

Please help your child to be safe in the sun & hot weather:  Pack a water bottle, sunscreen, hat, and maybe sunglasses.  Teach your child how to re-apply sunscreen (without getting it into their eyes).  Label all items so we can get them back to you at the end of the day.


Thank You!

We had so many volunteers last Friday for our Bike Rodeo – THANK YOU!!  They helped students learn about and practice riding safely.  This event stoked the enthusiasm for riding and being active.  Thanks to our bike mechanics who checked all bikes to ensure they were ready for the summer, and to Ms. Tagg & Chereesa for organizing.


Parent Support Night for Grade 3 Transition 

Tuesday, May 30   6:00 - 7:30 PM

J.A. Laird Library

Facilitated by Sue Bradley, District Elementary Counsellor


As our Grade 3 children are preparing to transition from primary to elementary school, you and your child may be experiencing some feelings of anxiety and overwhelm about the changes that lie ahead. Join us for a special night designed to support you as a parent through this exciting but challenging time.

During this interactive and informative evening, you'll have the opportunity to connect with other parents who are going through the same experience. You'll also gain some insights and strategies on how to make the transition as smooth as possible. Staff from J.A. Laird will be available to answer any questions or concerns you may have and to help you feel comfortable with the physical and learning environment of the school.

This is a chance to get some additional support, valuable information and guidance to help your child navigate this transition.

**Please note that this event is intended for parents and guardians as Grade 3 students are supported through a variety of other transition activities within both schools.**


If you have any questions beforehand or need additional information please contact Sue Bradley:

April 24

Student art - bears hibernate
Science Art

Dates to remember:

Wednesday, April 26   Whole School Taco Lunch.  No cost to families.  Send containers with a lid if you can.

Wednesday, April 26   Early dismissal  2:05pm

Thursday, April 27   Early dismissal 2:05pm

Tuesday, May 2   Volunteer Orientation Session (CAPT) 8:30am 

Thursday, May 4   Welcome to Kindergarten at EMP (new K families enrolling for next year)  9:15am or 10:45am.  Please RSVP to

Tuesday, May 9   Volunteer Orientation Session (CAPT) 6:30pm (last one of the year!)

Tuesday, May 9   PAC meeting 7:00pm

Friday, May 12   Bike Rodeo in EMP parking lot.  Send a bike & helmet if you can!

Wednesday, May 17   EMP Community Engagement Session 6:00 - 8:00pm

Monday, May 22  Victoria Day - No school


Whole School Lunch April 26

We had a very successful whole school lunch in March, and thanks to the PAC volunteers, we are planning on doing it again!  Build-your-own beef tacos and salad are on the menu. It would be very helpful if you were able to send your child with a container that has a lid, as the plates or bowls from home are just not finding their way home after they go in the dishwasher/sink... and if they had a lid, we could pop them back into backpacks right away.  If you do not send a container, no worries!  We have reusable plates. 

These lunches are in addition to the ones that families signed up for and paid for earlier in the year, and the money for these comes from the Student and Family Affordability Fund.  We are so thankful that community restaurants / caterers and our dedicated parent volunteers have worked together to make this happen at no cost to the students.  We anticipate that with this funding continuing next year, we will be able to support students with healthy food more often.  Please contact Rachel if you would like to volunteer with our School Lunch Program (, or show up on Wednesday at 11:15!


Coming and Going

We are in the process of planning for next year and would really like to make contact with new kindergarten families to invite them to our kindergarten events.  If you are aware of a new kindergartener living in our catchment area who is not yet enrolled, please pass on our contact info to their parents so we can get them registered.

If you know that your child will not be returning to EMP next year (or not heading to J.A. Laird if they are entering grade 4), please contact Ms. Gray so we can adjust our numbers for next year.  (


Student Drop Off / Biking

Please remember that you should not be parking in the handicapped stalls (we have 2) if you do not have a permit.  Please do not park in front of the music portable, as maintenance staff need access to that area often.  On May 12, we are having our bike rodeo, and will not have any parking available in the front parking lot.  Perhaps it is a good time to start biking to school with your child! We encourage the use of locks, but know that this is sometimes problematic for young students.  If your child has a combination lock and you would like their teacher to know the combination, just in case, please send a note. ;)


Field Trip Volunteers

We appreciate all of our parents who have been volunteering all year long on outdoor learning adventures!  If you are interested but have not yet completed the Child Abuse Protocol Training (CAPT), you have two opportunities to do so: May 2 at 8:30 am, or May 9 at 6:30pm, which is right before the PAC meeting.  There are many field trip opportunities coming up - stay tuned for the permission forms.


March 9

Kindness comes in all different shapes.  Heart made of different shapes.
At EMP, we choose to be kind.

Hello Parents and Guardians,
As we are quickly approaching spring break, here are a couple of reminders for you:

Monday, March 13 - Report Cards go home! Please review, then sign and return the covers before spring break. You may keep all papers inside.

Tuesday, March 14 - Winderberry Fundraiser Forms and Payments Due. (Forms have been sent home today.) This is a PAC fundraising initiative. They ask that you return the forms with payment by next Tuesday.

Friday, March 17 - St. Patrick’s Day. Students are invited to wear green and / or show off some wacky hair on this last day of school before spring break.

To ensure the safety of our students, please remember our pick-up / drop-off etiquette and parking lot rules:
• Do not walk across the parking lot. Move to the sidewalk instead.
• Do not park in the handicap parking spots or the maintenance area around the music portable, even "just for a minute," unless you have your handicap tag visible or are driving an SD6 maintenance vehicle.
• Remember that BC is Idle Free! Please turn off your engine while waiting.
• Kindergarten pick ups should happen at the back, outside their classroom doors. Please consider using the back parking lot if you have a child in kindergarten.
• Please keep your dogs off of school property. They are beautiful and well behaved, but cause some safety concerns and complicate pick-up / drop-offs for others.
• Please consider arriving early, parking down the street, and walking into the school yard to drop off or pick up your child, in order to lessen the number of vehicles trying to get in our parking lot.

Other notes:
• Please stop by the school and pick up any items from the lost & found that may be yours. All items left behind will be washed and donated to the thrift store.
• Please remember to inform Ms. Gray and your child's teacher about absences.
• Classes will resume on Monday, April 3 after spring break.

February 10

100 monster drawings
Students celebrate the 100th day of school at EMP!

Dates to remember:
Monday, February 13  Professional development day - No school for students
Tuesday, February 14  Friendship Day - Please see notes from your child’s teacher to discover what this will look like in their class.
Wednesday, February 15  100s Day! Special projects to be set up in the gym.
Friday, February 17  Grade 3s visit J.A. Laird
Monday, February 20  Family Day - No school
Wednesday, February 22  Healthy Lunch

Snack Packs
Your child may bring home a small bag of healthy snacks – When we see someone who has finished their lunch and looks a little hungry, or for those students who have really exerted themselves and need more gas in the tank for later, we are offering ½ a bagel with cream cheese, and fruit or veggies. Thanks to Ms. Brandi (our C-Link worker), the Student and Family Affordability Fund, and our wonderful parent volunteers who all make this happen!

Special Things Stay Home
Teachers and supervisors have expressed concern over the rising number of incidents of lost / misplaced / borrowed / stolen toys. Parents, please help your children to understand that special things should stay at home, and work with them to ensure toys don’t become a distraction to the learning that happens at school. Teachers are also giving this same message to their classes, so everyone is on the same page. This has been the practice at EMP in the past, but recently there has been a real increase in the number of toys / Pokémon cards / collectibles seen at school, and they are distracting from the learning and the source of many conflicts. Thanks for your help!

EMP Volunteer Training Session

We are able to host another volunteer training session Friday, January 20 at 8:30 am. We will meet in the library and go through the Child Abuse Protocol Training. This is one of the two requirements for volunteers, the other being the criminal record check. If you are interested, teacher supervisors will be out on the playground starting at 8:25 am, so your children can play while you are at the training. There are many field trip opportunities coming up (skating, senior's centre, outdoor explorations) and we would love to see parents ready to help out!

January 9

Here are some important dates to keep in mind:

- PAC meeting Tuesday, January 10 7:00 pm EMP library

- Healthy Lunch Wednesday, January 11

- Kindergarten registration starts Monday, January 23

- Healthy Lunch Wednesday, January 25

After School Care

Did you know that SD6 has partnered with several child care providers, and that we have an after school care program running at EMP? For more information, or to see about registering your child, please contact Sophie at 250-341-7613. Registration packages are available at the EMP office.

Windermere Valley Child Care Society is looking for casual staff to work on-call, part-time or full-time in our after-school program. This program runs in the school Monday to Friday from the end of the school day until 5:30 p.m. For more information, please visit the Child Care page of the District website and click on the school where you would like to work. Please pass this information on to your friends who may be interested!

Strong Start

The Strong Start program invites families with children between the ages of 0 - 5 years to participate in crafts, gym time, snack time, circle time (stories and songs), and child-led free play. They follow the school calendar and are at Eileen Madson every Monday and Friday from 9:15 - 11:45 a.m. They are also open on the 1st and 2nd Wednesday of each month, in the afternoon from 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. This is a Ministry funded program for BC children and families, and is a great way for your young ones to become familiar with our school, before they start kindergarten. Ms. June looks forward to participating with families and children in this early learning environment!

Student and Family Affordability Fund

The province has given school districts one-time funding to support families during these challenging economic times. At Eileen Madson, this money is being used in two main ways: First, we are supplementing our existing breakfast and snack programs. Thanks to our Community Links Worker (Ms. Brandi), our Indigenous Education Support Worker (Ms. Tish), and our parent volunteers, we are boosting the amount of high-protein, healthy snacks for students who are hungry. All our teachers, EAs, and other support staff can access food in the kitchen to boost someone's energy level if needed. Second, we are supporting families who may be experiencing financial difficulties with groceries or clothing/footwear. It is unfortunate that there are so many feeling the pinch, but we are thankful for this bit of assistance.

Assembly Time!

We had a great assembly last Friday where we went over behaviour expectations outside and ways to help everyone feel included at recess. We are excited about playing in the outdoor kitchen, playing soccer, and having fun on the equipment. If we are lonely or are looking for someone to play with, we know that we can sit on the rainbow buddy bench, and other kind friends will know that we want to play! We remember that at Eileen Madson, we are safe, responsible, and kind!



December 13 News

Mr. Baron and Ms. Casey welcoming families during our Winter Open House
Mr. Baron and Ms. Casey welcoming families during our Winter Open House

Hello EMP Families,

• Tomorrow, we will build our community spirit by having a school-wide picnic in the gym at lunch. All classes will be invited to eat together. Students should bring their regular lunch and their water bottle. The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) will be providing treats, and then students can choose to play outside or visit with friends and colour inside the gym. We are very thankful for Mrs. Tagg, Mrs. Lam (our PAC Chair), and all the other parents and staff members who are helping to make this lunch time special.

• Please return all library books by Thursday. Over the winter break, students are encouraged to participate in the Winter Reading Challenge. Mrs. Tagg will be handing out prizes in the new year!

• At EMP, we have a Safe Arrival Program, which means that if we haven't already been informed by a parent, we call home to check on the whereabouts of every student who is absent. Ms. Gray has been spending a LOT of time calling families to check on attendance lately. You can help us to streamline this task: When your child is away from school, please let their teacher AND Ms. Gray know, as sometimes the information is not getting to the office in the morning in a timely way. Ms. Grey can be reached at 250-342-9315 or at We are so thankful for all of Ms. Gray's help keeping us safe!

• Please sign and return report card covers before the break!

• Thanks to Ms. Claudette and all of our music students who have been sharing during the “Informances” in the music room. So far, we have heard amazing feedback from parents. Still to come:
Wednesday, December 14
Baron: 9:00 – 9:40 am
Orr/Ervin: 11:00 – 11:35 am
Jacobsen: 1:30 – 2:00 pm

Thursday, December 15
McLennan: 9:00 – 9:40 am
Zehnder: 10:00 – 10:40 am
Reid: 11:00 – 11:40 am
Dearin: 1:30 – 2:00 pm

We wish all of you a restful Christmas break and want to thank you for sending us such wonderful, capable, energetic, clever students. This school is a special place!

In partnership,


December 5 News

Student filling in weather graph
Numeracy skills in action!

Important Dates

Thursday, Dec. 8  -  Volunteer session: Child abuse protocol training 8:00 am in the EMP library

Thursday, Dec. 8  -   Winter Fest open house 5:30 – 6:30 pm in the gym, library, and some classrooms

Monday, Dec. 12  -   Report cards go home

Dec. 13 / 14 / 15  -   Music “Informances” with Ms. Claudette (see the schedule below)

Friday, Dec. 16  -   Last day before the winter break – check your child’s planner for more info about special class activities

Hello EMP families,
• These last two weeks before the winter break are full of learning and excitement! We are looking forward to welcoming you back for another fun evening event on Thursday, Dec. 8th when we open the school for some fun crafts, singing, dancing, games, and visiting during our winter open house. Families are welcome to drop in between 5:30 and 6:30 pm. Check in at the front office and then head to the classroom with the activities that interest you most.

• One last chance to participate in the volunteer CAPT session takes place Thursday, Dec. 8th at 8:00 am in the library. Hopefully some of you who have been asking for more sessions will be able to attend this morning one. If not, perhaps we will catch you in the spring!

• Please look for your child’s report card on Monday next week.

• Ms. Claudette is inviting all parents in to music class so students can show what they have been learning. Informances are "informal" and "informative", giving parents a chance to see how and what their child learns during a typical music class. Your child’s class will perform some poems, songs, movement, or Orff pieces. You are welcome to join your child's class in the music room portable (the one closest to the front entrance) according to the following schedule:

Tuesday, December 13
Fry/Milligen: 9:00 – 9:40 am
Helmer: 11:00 – 11:30 am
Casey: 1:00 – 1:40 pm
Buchmann: 1:45 – 2:25 pm

Wednesday, December 14
Baron: 9:00 – 9:40 am
Orr/Ervin: 11:00 – 11:35 am
Jacobsen: 1:30 – 2:00 pm

Thursday, December 15
McLennan: 9:00 – 9:40 am
Zehnder: 10:00 – 10:40 am
Reid: 11:00 – 11:35 am
Dearin: 1:30 – 2:00 pm

November 14 News

Veterans and students
Students had the opportunity to ask our veterans questions after the assembly.

Hello EMP parents & guardians, 

Last week, Mrs. Tagg, our teacher-librarian, planned our Remembrance Day ceremony where three members of our local Legion honoured us with their attendance.  Mrs. Zehnder's, Mrs. McLennan's, and Mrs. Jacobsen's classes read to the assembly, and were able to ask questions to our veterans afterwards.  It was so nice to have this special ceremony in person this year.  The students were extremely respectful and were excellent listeners.  Our halls are now decorated with beautiful poppy art, and all classes have spent time learning about the significance of this day.

We have many classes spending time learning outdoors, so please ensure everyone is dressed for the weather

One of the most highly anticipated days is just around the corner... Of course, I'm talking about the Scholastic Book Fair!  We encourage parents to visit with their children, but if you want to send them on their own with a small amount of money to purchase items, Mrs. Tagg will attempt to guide them to purchase books at their level.  She will be there from 8:00 in the morning to 8:00 at night.  Most books cost from $5 to $20, and there are usually some very good deals to be had.  Even students who do not have any money to purchase items will be put in a draw for great books the following week.  We hope this annual event helps to promote an enthusiasm for reading (and helps to raise some money for the EMP library too!).

Parent Support Night New Date: "The Power of Sleep: Building Sleep Routines for our Children and Rest for Ourselves" 

On Thursday November 24 Sue Bradley, District Elementary Counsellor, will be hosting a Drop-In Support Night for Parents. We will discuss the impact of sleep disturbance and not enough sleep, how to build healthy sleep routines for children and youth and explore specific strategies and resources to create positive sleep hygiene.  
TIME: 6:00 - 7:30 PM       
LOCATION: Eileen Madson Primary School Library 
No pre-registration required.  Please contact Sue at for more information.   

November 4 News

Students playing on snowy hill
The snow has arrived!

Important Dates 

Wednesday, November 9 – Healthy Lunch. Please remember to send a bowl & spoon to school. 

Thursday, November 10 – Remembrance Day Assembly at EMP

Friday, November 11 – Remembrance Day (no school) 

Tuesday, November 15 – PAC Meeting (7:00 pm, EMP library & virtual)

Wednesday, November 16 – Early dismissal at 2:05pm

Thursday, November 17 – Parent Support Night (6:00 – 7:30 pm, EMP library) 

Friday, November 18 – Scholastic Book Fair (8:00 am – 8:00 pm, EMP gym) 


Amazing things are happening at EMP! 

We had a fabulous turnout for Pumpkin Palooza, and made the front page of the paper!  Thanks to the EMP staff who organized the event and to everyone who participated in the pumpkin carving, dancing, and volunteer training session.   

Our Harvest Fest highlighted the musical and dancing skills of our students.  A big thank you to Ms. Claudette Villeneuve who organized this cultural and artistic event, and to Mrs. McLennan’s grade 2/3 class for being the MCs. They demonstrated excellent communication skills! 

Now that the snow has arrived, we are asking all students to come to school prepared to be outside: this means boots, snowpants, a winter coat, a toque, and mitts should be brought each day. An indoor pair of shoes to change into should stay at school. We know that students grow so fast and it’s not easy to keep up! So, we have many extra items ready to give to anyone who needs them.  Does your family have extra items you have outgrown that are in good condition that you would like to donate? Drop them off at the office so they can be passed on to others!

On the subject of clothing...the Lost and Found is hanging up in the front foyer – please take a moment to check it out and retrieve anything that belongs to your family. Items not claimed before the Christmas break will be donated. 

Outdoor Play Items: We are looking to enhance our outdoor exploration and learning opportunities and would love your help collecting some items.  Ideally, we would love non-breakable dishes, pots and pans, spoons, measuring cups, scoops, funnels, buckets, small shovels, toy cars and trucks, etc.  Really anything that can be used safely outdoors to enhance recess and classroom play and learning experiences.  These items do not have to be new! If you have anything used or old that is collecting dust, and still in working condition, we would love to have it. Please send these items with your child to school or bring to the office. We will collect these items and they will be used school-wide. 

Parent Support Night: Our District Elementary Counselor, Sue Bradley, will be hosting another Parent Support Night on Thursday November 17, 6:00 - 7:30 pm at EMP in the library.  All parents from Windermere Zone are welcome to attend, no pre-registration required.   

The topic will be "The Power of Sleep: Building Sleep Routines for our Children and Rest for Ourselves." This is an opportunity for parents to connect and gain support in regards to common sleep issues for our children and youth, learn how to create consistent sleep routines and explore guided imagery and relaxation techniques.  We will discuss resources and strategies to use at bedtime and throughout the day to help build positive sleep.   

For more information contact Sue at   

Book Fair: EMP will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair on Friday November 18th from 8am to 8pm in the gym. There will also be an online option if you are unable to attend. More info on this to follow. All sales directly benefit our school library! 

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please contact us.

In partnership,  



October 25 News

Good afternoon EMP Families, 

Due to the water issues experienced by the community, we have turned off the water fountains, and as I write this, the maintenance department is delivering jugs of drinking water for tomorrow!  If you are able, please send your child with a water bottle that was filled at home, and we will provide refills until the situation is rectified.  

Please be aware of the upcoming events happening at Eileen Madson:

Wednesday, October 26   -  Healthy Lunch

Thursday, October 27  -  Pumpkin Palooza  5:30 - 7:00 pm in the EMP gym.  Bring a pumpkin to carve (hollow out at home if you can), or just come to dance!  Costumes welcome!  For parents who want to volunteer this year, we are offering a Child Abuse Protocol Training session in the library at 5:45, and again at 6:15.  (Students can dance in the gym under the supervision of teachers while parents attend the training.)  


New Date:  Harvest Fest has been moved to November 2.  This is just for students (parents won't actually fit in the gym, but we will take pictures!)

Photo retakes will be in the afternoon of November 2.

October 14 News

Students and a parent reading
Family Read in grade one

Important Dates

Tuesday, October 18 – PAC Meeting 6:00 pm (virtual & in person) Look for the email next week with the virtual meeting invite.

Friday, October 21 – Pro-D Day (no school for students)

Wednesday, October 26 – Harvest Fest

Thursday, October 27 – Pumpkin Palooza (evening parent event)

Monday, October 31 – Orange and Black Day (no costumes please)

Wednesday, November 2 – Picture retakes (pm)

Thursday, November 10 – Remembrance Day Assembly

Friday, November 11 – Remembrance Day (no school)

Wednesday, November 16 – Early dismissal at 2:05


Reading Time

I had the opportunity to pop in to a Family Read session today, and it reminded me of the importance and enjoyment of reading with a young person. The student I was reading with was completely engaged in the story because they got to pick the book. They commented on all of the funny parts and made connections between the story and their life. They predicted, asked questions, and shared reasons why they liked the story. All are indicators that this student had a high level of comprehension. Any child can do these things if we model them, even if they are not reading themselves. All it takes is a few minutes with a supportive adult or older sibling or friend. Thank you for being a partner in your child’s reading journey – the time you put in at home helps them feel more confident in the classroom. Also, thanks to all the parents who have carved out the time to come in to class to read, or go on field trips, or help with the PAC. It certainly takes a village!

Outside Time & Volunteers

Many classes are enjoying the gorgeous weather and are taking their learning outside. Now that we are moving forward safely from the pandemic, we are allowing (and in fact, encouraging) more learning to happen out of the school building, in the larger community. To do this safely, we need parent volunteers. Please consider volunteering with your child’s class when asked, or email me to be put on a school volunteer list. We will contact you if we are short volunteers to see if you would like to join us. Volunteers must have a current criminal record check on file at one of our SD6 schools and must take part in the Child Abuse Protocol Training each year. Our first opportunity to volunteer is coming up on Thursday, October 27 from 8:55 am to approximately 11:00 am, when we will be walking to J.A. Laird school to watch an ArtStarts performance.

In partnership,





October 7 News

A photo of our Thankful Tree
Our Thankful Tree

Important Dates

Monday, October 10 – Thanksgiving Day (no school)
Wednesday, October 12 – Early Dismissal 2:05 pm
Thursday, October 13 – Drop-in Support for Parents (see below)
Tuesday, October 18 – PAC Meeting 6:00 pm (virtual & in person)
Friday, October 21 – Pro-D Day (no school for students)
Wednesday, October 26 – Harvest Fest
Thursday, October 27 – Pumpkin Palooza (evening parent event)
Monday, October 31 – Orange and Black Day (no costumes please)


Drop-In Support for Parents

Sue Bradley, District Elementary Counselor for Windermere Zone, will be hosting monthly support sessions for parents at J.A. Laird and Eileen Madson Primary School. All parents are welcome to attend. The first session will be held on Thursday October 13 from 6:00 - 7:30 pm in J.A. Laird Library, We'll be discussing Anxiety in Children and Youth and talk about interventions and strategies to practice at school and home and share resources and community supports. No pre-registration required. If you have any questions or need additional information please contact Sue at


Weekly Message

Hello, EMP families!

It is my great pleasure to take over the weekly message from Mr. Goslin, as I am the new principal here at Eileen Madson Primary School. I have had the opportunity to go through all the classes during learning times, I have run with the classes on the Walk / Run days, and have spent a lot of time on the playground!  

I am amazed by the enthusiasm and resiliency I see in the students here, and as one little friend told me this week “We are learning to do hard things!” Learning is something we are programmed to do, and yet it can take a lot of energy to follow through and persevere with new and challenging tasks. This week, I would like to express my gratitude for all the families who work so hard to provide their children with love and support, and my gratitude to the school staff who do the same. This is a wonderful place to be and it is such a privilege to be able to witness the growth in students of this age, in this place, which is the traditional and shared territory of the Ktunaxa and Secwépemc people, and home to many Metis families.

I am also so thankful to Mr. Goslin who is still in the building from time to time. (If you’re lucky, you may catch him waving to cars at the crosswalk!) He has provided me with a lot of background information on this special place, and we continue to work together as I transition to this role. We wish him all the best as he takes on his new portfolio as District Principal of Early Learning.

This week’s Taking Care Awards were a catch-up from previous weeks, so stay tuned next week for more award recipients.

This week’s photo is our Thankful Tree. What a thoughtful bunch we have here at EMP!

In partnership,


Rebecka Riddell-McKay

Taking Care Awards – September 29. 2022

  • Ryker T. for pushing in classroom chairs to keep our space tidy
  • Paislee R. for keeping out table caddies organized
  • Clayton S. for helping to clean-up our classroom library without being asked.
  • Elina S. for sharing her positive attitude and enthusiasm for school every day
  • Elowyn G. for helping an injured friend to the office
  • Charlie D. for gently reminding others of their jobs
  • Max B. for being a caring and resourceful friend to Lucas when he is feeling overwhelmed and unsure
  • Daxton S. cleaning up a mess of extra tissue in the boy’s bathroom to help keep our school clean and tidy. Yay Dax!
  • Sara H. for helping her walking partner when they were scared and upset with calm words and support.  You showed your partner what being a good friend and classmate looks like. 
  • Zayla M. for helping others clean up toys in our classroom.
  • Hadley H. for creating a map of Canada for each of his classmates. He worked very hard and took great care to make them perfect.
  • Kayli J. for sharing her knowledge of traditional indigenous dance with the school.  We are all so proud of you Kayli!
  • Henry R. for helping to take care of our classroom by cleaning up water around our sink. Thank you, Henry!

September 30 2022

Picture of Indigenous dancers at EMP for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Indigenous Dancers at EMP for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Upcoming Events

  • October 10 – Thanksgiving Day – NO SCHOOL
  • October 12 – Early Dismissal – 2:05PM
  • October 18 – PAC Meeting – 6PM
  • October 21 – Pro-D Day – No School for Students
  • October 26 – Harvest Fest
  • October 27 – Pumpkin Palooza
  • October 31 – Halloween – Orange and Black Day

Hello EMP Family and Friends!

I hope that you are set for a great weekend. I also hope that you are finding a way to mark the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Yesterday, the school put on an assembly that included Indigenous dancers featuring many of our students. Thank you to the dancers and to Miss Tish for organizing this and helping us to commemorate this very important day. The picture for this week is of the dancers in the assembly.

I will be handing out the Taking Care Awards on Monday for this week. With everything that was going on this week, we did not have the ability to get them prepared the way that they should be. We will attach the list to next weeks Weekly Update along with the ones for next week.

This will be the last weekly update that I will be sending out and will be passing the torch to Ms. Rebecka Riddell-Mckay. I am going to be stepping back from many of the day-to-day activities as Ms. Riddell-McKay takes on more, gaining more understanding of the school and the community. Her experiences and perspectives will be invaluable to EMP going forward!

I want to thank all of the families, friends of EMP, students and staff for making EMP simply the best place to be a Principal and a member of the community. While I was only here for just over a year, I feel great pride at having been part of such an amazing place and to have hopefully helped to make a positive impact on your children’s lives. I will be slowly moving to the new position, with no official date of leaving, so I am taking this opportunity to say farewell and thank you. And while I may be moving on, I hope to continue to be considered part of the EMP community, and will always feel proud of being the Principal at EMP.  

Always Proud Principal,

Glenn Goslin

September 23, 2022

Picture of a collaborative art project that the Grade 3 students worked on
Collaborative Painting Grade 3

Hello Family and Friends of EMP!

Upcoming Events

  • September 27 – Parent Volunteer Orientation – 6:00-7:00 – JA Laird
  • September 29 – Orange Shirt Day
  • September 30 – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – NO SCHOOL

Hello Family and Friends of EMP!

I hope that you have had a great week! It has been such an incredibly busy but fulfilling week here at EMP.

I want to thank all of our community for taking part in our Open House on Thursday. It was so amazing to see so many of our families and friends out and interacting at school. I heard many families comment that they had not been in the school for such a long time and they were glad they were back! We hope to have more opportunities in the future!

Our Volunteer Orientation had a fantastic turnout! I am so excited that we had so many people that may be able to help out in our school and take part in things like field trips and in-class volunteer opportunities. If you were not able to attend, there will be more opportunities. JA Laird is providing an orientation on September 27 from 6-7PM. I will also be holding 2 online sessions coming up and will announce when I have them set up.

The EMP new Principal, Rebecka Riddell-McKay will begin on Monday. I will also be part of the school as we work for a longer transition. We look forward to working together to ensure that we can support all of our students as best we can!

On Friday there is no school, as we are observing the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. On the 29th, the school will be having students wear their orange shirts and we will be observing the day through activities throughout the day.

Our students continue to amaze me with the ways that they take care of themselves, each other and this place! We have over 30 awards this week and they will be listed below.

The picture this week is a collaborative drawing done by the Grade 3 students in Ms. Zehnder’s class. I love the message of choosing to be kind!

Thank you all for all the support, and for the passion of this community for our children!

Proud Principal,

Glenn Goslin

Taking Care Awards – September 23, 2022

  • Harper S. for being a leader in our classroom, sharing toys, and doing his jobs quickly.
  • Ethan L. for picking up lose garbage on our playground.
  • Maverick M. for being brave and helping classmates find their way around the school.
  • Braxton K.for picking up garbage on the hill.
  • Makenna S. for picking up garbage on the hill.
  • Ella M. for helping to clean up a water spill under the water fountain.
  • Jeremy L. for helping to clean up a water spill under the water fountain.
  • Max B. for helping friends put away books and chairs
  • Gabo C. for kindness, words, and thoughtfulness with others.
  • Myah C. for kindly helping others with classroom routines
  • Mya G. for all of her help with students on the bus.
  • Jack M. for all of his help with Kindergarten students on the bus
  • Tiegan A. for taking care of and comforting others. 
  • Oakley O. for taking a hurt friend to the front desk for first aid. 
  • Emily R. for helping a student in class write in his agenda. 
  • Leif A. for helping keep the bus safe and clean by picking up a tool and giving it to the bus driver.
  • Nathan P. for always jumping in to support and help any of his classmates. 
  • Emrie B. for seeing jobs that need to be done in the classroom and taking them on without being asked.
  • Ellie W. for welcoming a new classmate. It can be hard joining a new class, but Ellie made sure that our new student fit right in!
  • Cambia P. for being a great help in the bus line. She helps to make sure that all our new K students are in the right line and that they all get to the bus safely.
  • Jayce B. for helping a classmate find the garbage can.  
  • Magnus S. for showing a classmate how to use a classroom tool.
  • Emily G. for being an earth helper and picking up garbage found outside.
  • Eddie A. for leaving his play area to help a classmate clean up theirs.
  • Dominic M. for kindly getting a classmate a chair so they could sit beside him.
  • Braya E. for helping a friend clean up paint that leaked on the floor.
  • Rocco S. for quickly offering to share his paint pallet with a friend who was missing a colour.
  • Ellie H. for taking care of this place and helping to put away books in our classroom library, even though she didn’t get them out.
  • Scarlett D. for taking such good care of our classroom and keeping it tidy. Thank you, Scarlett, for pushing in your friend’s chairs when they forget and for helping them put away their things.

September 16 2022

Picture describing the EMP Open House on Sept 22 at 5PM icon-link
Come to the EMP Open House!

Upcoming events

  • September 19 – NO SCHOOL – National Day of Mourning
  • September 20 – Parent Advisory Council Meeting – 7PM
  • September 21 – Picture Day
  • September 22 – EMP Open House – 5:00 - 6:00PM
  • September 22 – Volunteer Orientation – 4- 4:45 at EMP
  • September 27 – Parent Volunteer Orientation – 6:00-7:00 – JA Laird
  • September 29 – Orange Shirt Day
  • September 30 – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – NO SCHOOL

Hello to the EMP community!

SOOO Much going on here at EMP – the learning community is vibrant and alive with learning and laughter. Kids are getting the hang of being here!

It was so good to get the school together for the Terry Fox Run. Thank you to everyone who helped out!

It is a busy week next week with so many things that are happening.

NO SCHOOL on Monday, September 19th – This has been called for a day of mourning for the passing of the queen.

PAC – This is happening on Tuesday September 20th starting at 7PM in person! Please come out and join us. It is a great way to have your voice heard and get involved in the school. I will attach the agenda and minutes to the website and the email.

EMP PAC Agenda - September 20

EMP PAC Minutes - June 2022

Open House on Thursday, September 22 – We are SUPER EXCITED to finally be able to have an open house at EMP. Please come and join us and visit your child’s classroom and other parts of the school. We really want to ensure that EMP is a welcoming place for our children, their families and our community. I am attaching a flyer for it to the email and putting it on the website as well!

EMP Open House Flyer

Picture Day Wednesday, September 21 – Please get ready to show some style! Picture day is finally here!

Volunteering – We are so excited to have family members, friends and community members able to volunteer this year. To do so, police clearances need to be completed, and you need to attend a volunteer orientation at a school. You can come and obtain a letter to take to the RCMP to expedite the process. The clearance is good for 5 years at any school in SD6. Volunteer orientations need to be done yearly but can be done at any school. We will be holding an orientation before the Open House next Thursday, and there will be an orientation at Laird on the 27th. Even if you don’t THINK you will be able to volunteer this year, it’s good to get it done just in case an opportunity does arise!

Parking – Please ensure that you are not blocking other people’s driveways or parking in them when picking up your children. I have had a couple of calls from our neighbors that they are having some concerns. Let’s make sure that EMP is a good neighbor!

Taking Care Awards – another great group this week – thanks to everyone who takes care of themselves, each other and this great place!

That is it for this week! Have a great weekend and see you all on Tuesday!

Proud Principal

Glenn Goslin

This Week's Taking Care Awards Sept. 16

  • Cullen M. for getting everyone's chairs down in the morning. 
  • Ella S. for helping other students stack and take down chairs. 
  • Harmon D. for helping other students stack and take down chairs. 
  • Ella S. for helping Ms. Bridge clean up a yogurt mess on the sidewalk. Thank you for taking care of this place. 
  • Noa M. for helping Ms. Bridge clean up a yogurt mess on the sidewalk. Thank you for taking care of this place. 
  • Maci F. for helping Ms. Bridge clean up a pudding mess on the garbage bin. Thank you for taking care of this place Maci. 
  • Bryce L. for cleaning up a soapy mess on the counter in the boys bathroom. Thank you for taking care of this place. 
  • Dominic M. for cleaning up a soapy mess on the counter in the boys bathroom. Thank you for taking care of this place. 
  • Asher U. for welcoming Ms. Claudette with such kind words after music class. Telling others how good they are is not always easy and you did this so wonderfully and with such confidence. Way to be a bucket filler Asher! 
  • Bryce L. for picking up garbage and classmates belongings when he noticed items on the floor.
  • Piper G. for being a leader in our class by helping classmates understand the task.
  • Asher U. for taking care of others.  Asher noticed a friend was upset that he did not get the colour pencil box he wanted.  Asher quickly exchange his box with the other students, so he had the one he wanted.  Way to take care of a friend, Asher!
  • Sloan O. for taking care of others.  Sloan has made quick friends with a new student to our school.  She has made her feel welcome and comfortable after her big move to our beautiful town.  Excellent work, Sloan!
  • Jack M. for helping to teach a classmate how to tie her shoes.
  • Ryan B. for helping to stack extra chairs at the end of each day.

September 9 2022

A picture of chalk art in front of EMP saying that we are happy to see everyone!
Welcome Back to EMP

Hello EMP Families and Friends!

Upcoming Events

  • September 12 – Welcome Assembly (for students)
  • September 16 – Terry Fox Run
  • September 19 – Walk/Run Begins
  • September 20 – Parent Advisory Council Meeting – 7PM
  • September 21 – Picture Day
  • September 22 – EMP Open House – 5:00 - 6:30PM
  • September 29 – Orange Shirt Day
  • September 30 – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – NO SCHOOL

I hope that you are all doing well and that you are hearing great things from your children about what is happening at this amazing school!

The start up has been pretty great! It is so great to see so many smiling faces and already seeing that spark in the students. Excitement is in the air!

As always, there is lots to talk about!

  • Attendance – Please remember to let us know if your child will be away. You can still call the absence line, but there is now also an email address which you can inform us of a student absence. The email for this is
  • Letter from the PAC and the first meeting – Did you know that by being a part of the school, you are automatically part of the Parent Advisory Council? This group works closely together and with the school to support our community through fund raising, providing ideas and opinions and organizing events and volunteers. Please see the attached letter, and perhaps join the next meeting, which is on September 20 at 7PM – more information is to follow!
  • Open House - September 22 – EMP will host an open house on September 22 from 5PM – 6:30. There will be snacks and time to go around and meet teachers and talk to them. More details will follow.
  • Volunteering opportunities – We REALLY want volunteers here at EMP! Please consider getting prepared so that if something comes up, you can help out with things like classroom activities and field trips. There are new rules to field trips, and so we will need to have more volunteers to be able to have any trips. Those that want to volunteer need to have a valid criminal record check (valid for 5 years and at multiple schools) and a volunteer orientation with a school principal. I will also be looking to provide at least one volunteer orientation before or after the EMP open house.
  • Picture Day will be on September 21 – more reminders will be sent
  • Forms – Your child should have come home with forms if they are in Grade 1-3. If these could be in on Monday that would be amazing! Kindergarten students will have forms going home sometime early next week!
  • Fire Drills, Lockdown Drills, Bus Drills, Hold and Secure – Our school has to have a number of different drills so that students know what to do in the VERY unlikely case of a real emergency. Some of these children will know about, and some they will not.
  • Taking Care Awards – We are starting these again this year and I could not be more excited. The students last year really took our mantra of “Take care of yourself, each other and this great place” to heart! It was so wonderful to see how the school and community embraced this! We hope to continue to have such caring actions at EMP this year as well!
  • Parking Lot – Please make sure that you follow all the parking rules. Please DO NOT walk across the parking lot, but around it. This keeps everyone safe as people may not be watching for people to be walking in the middle of the lot.

That should be it for right now. Thank you to everyone for allowing us the privilege to be an important part of your children’s lives. We take this responsibility very seriously and we are honored to share this journey with you

Proud Principal

Glenn Goslin

Taking Care Awards

Grayson E., Nina E., Neeko S. and Anna M. – For their bravery and skill in dancing in front of all of the district staff on the district day!

Welcome back from EMP PAC

Volunteering at our school

Volunteers and Volunteering

Please note this information is under the For Families tab on our home page of our school website.

We believe that it is important to build community to support children.  Strong connections between home and school help students to feel supported. 

To be able to volunteer on field trips, individuals need to provide a valid police check (done within the past 5 years), and to take the Child Abuse Protocol Training that is offered online.  Before you head to the RCMP detachment to request a police check, please visit stop by the office to pick up the letter from the school that explains why you need a check to be done - as a volunteer with us, you would not need to pay for this service.

Online Volunteer Training - Watch the video, then fill in the form for the Windermere zone. 

If you just want to come in to read with students during teacher-supervised Family Read times, or participate in our open doors events, the above-mentioned checks & training are not required.

Want to get involved?  Look for these volunteer opportunities:

  • Join the Parent Advisory Council (EMP PAC)
  • Support our lunch program
  • Come along on field trips
  • Read with students
  • Help in the classroom
  • Cut/paste at home
  • Provide expertise in the class or to the school
  • So much more!

January Newsletter